3 Zahnlücken und kein nachwachsender Zahn in Sicht?
Hi. Meine Tochter hat vor 3 Monaten beide mittleren Schneidezähne oben verloren. Dort ist seitdem eine große Lücke und sie hat eh schon Probleme beim Essen. Jetzt ist über Nacht auch noch der Zahn direkt daneben ausgefallen 😞 ist das normal? Dass einfach keine Schneidezähne nachwachsen?
Our son also had a tooth gap a few months after the milk teeth dropped out, which is normal the cutting teeth last at the front.
Alternatively, I would go to the dentist with me (about 50 years ago) they had to be cut free until they got out.
The milk teeth fall out only when the remaining teeth are pressed under it and thus the tooth roots are re-formed – unless everything is good.
It can take several months, you can’t speed it up. If you’re worried, go to the dentist and let it sound: Sometimes crooked gears wedge and impede growth – or it’s just too tight.
This is due to the crippling of dentists, actually enough for animal food & actually let the child bite on two papers,
In dentistry, there are plant plastic, what every person needs, unfortunately they only use diametrical wire, actually there is an alloy.
But the doctors are partly fetish with plus tooth caps below 34 large hyperactive..