3 Tag kräutermischung?
Heute ist der dritte Tag nachdem ich die kräutermischung geraucht habe und mir geht es immernoch nicht viel besser (mir geht es wie gestern)
was soll ich tun ?
Heute ist der dritte Tag nachdem ich die kräutermischung geraucht habe und mir geht es immernoch nicht viel besser (mir geht es wie gestern)
was soll ich tun ?
Was ist davon am schädlichsten?
Heyy hab mal eine Frage. Unzwar habe ich so ein eher pfeifendes oder Quietschendes husten , und Schleim im Hals (weiß auch ehrlich gesagt nicht was genau das ist.) ist es schlau jetzt Ecstasy zu konsumieren oder sollte ich das lieber machen wenn ich gesund bin? Was kann passieren wenn ich es trotzdem nehme?
Drink plenty of water so that the dirt can be dismantled. Seriously eat. Walk.
If it’s not gone tomorrow, go to the doctor.
Your children’s brain is too young for drugs. Yes, child brains. At 15, you’re in growth. And with 15 questionable substances have harmful effects. And yes, it can be permanent. Nobody can say that.
Yeah, what do you expect when you do that shit? You probably take herbs that don’t harmonize well. And smoking itself is crap anyway.
Let the nonsense remain and put herbs in the future only when cooking. Keep on the commercial products.
Yes I will do but my question is whether I ever left or whether I stayed stuck
Ah, you’re waiting for a drug rush. These herb mixtures often do not work at all, for this a few seem too strong or in an unexpected (and unwanted) way.
It’s not worth it.
You answered that last night.
What herbs are you supposed to be? Inhaling combustion products is actually always bad.
This was the “Maya Belgium boom strong”
I’ll get it. You have a feeling of noise, and that’s not going away for three days.
There’s only one doctor to help you. What the ones print on the bags what’s in there, if it’s on it, is my intention to enjoy. Often chemicals are added that are not on top.
What exactly is in there and what symptoms do you have now?
So it’s probably going back?
Apparently, people experience cannabis-like states using this plant. I guess that’ll have reasons.
When you drink camel tea, it doesn’t happen.
Name:Canavalia, Sea bean, Beach bean, Jack bean, Wonder bean, Windi, Yugam
In addition, the alkaloid canarosine could be detected in the visible parts of the plant. It should inhibit the dopamine receptors and could therefore also be triggers for the psychoactive effect.
The plant is in the reputation of acting like this. Until now, however, no psychoactive substances could be found in it.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/beach bean
I used to googling this.
The problem should be, above all, Canavalia Rosea. I only know Stevia as a sweetener.
It’s called perception disorder.
As far as I know, Canavalia Rosea has a psychoactive effect, so it intervenes in your brain metabolism. This can then cause the perception disorders.
It should be better by itself at some point, I’ll take a maximum of one to two weeks. If not, you have to go to the doctor (Psychiater).
None of these three plants have an intoxicating effect. This suggests that intoxicating substances were added from the chemical laboratory, which of course were not specified because they are illegal.
What exactly the problem with you could best be said after an analysis of the bag content.
(Canavalia Rosea, Turnera diffusa, stevia leaf) this is all in there and my symptoms are I always focus on things when I stand and I look somehow different and when I sit down the effect goes a bit away again
Just leave it.
What should I leave?
That bullshit.
Yeah, I’ll do anyway, but I know Nt if I’m stuck or something