3 Monatsspritze absetzen?
Wie lange dauert es nach dem absetzen ungefähr bis man wieder Schwanger werden kann?
Habe sie nur ein einziges Mal genommen und müsste sie im Juli erneuern, da wir aber inzwischen einen Kinderwunsch haben, wollte ich sie nach den 3 Monaten bereits absetzen.
That’s impossible to say.
Honestly, I’m surprised that there are still women doctors who are taking the syringe for young women.
I don’t want to scare you, but it can be quite that it takes a long time before your cycle starts again. The reason is the relatively high hormone dose of the syringe, in which it simply takes longer until the hormone balance has reintroduced.
For this reason, manufacturers recommend the three-month syringe only to women who want to prevent long-term, i.e. in the next few years or not (more) want to get pregnant.
My female doctor also told me that I need to be sure of not wanting children in the next few years.
I didn’t expect the desire for a second child to come so fast.
I just hope I’m lucky.
It can go relatively fast or never again. The probability of permanent infertility is greatly increased.
Can take weeks or decades, no one can tell you.
My enpendency would be to drop them as soon as possible and never take them again. She got me really hard. It took two years to get my days back.
Then it’s good that I’ll put them back right after the first!
Yeah, I hope she hasn’t done much damage yet. I just got mine twice and that’s enough.