3rd child – have you been having mild contractions all day?

I officially have 3 weeks until my due date, but my cervix has already dilated and on Monday the doctor said it won't be long now.
Since last night, I've been having a pulling sensation in my stomach and back. I've been having this sensation in the evenings for weeks, but it usually goes away overnight. Not this time. I've been having a little contractions all day. The pulling sensation isn't particularly painful (like a period) and is constant, accompanied by occasional more intense pulling sensations.

I haven't experienced this in my previous pregnancies. I gave birth very quickly each time, and it started immediately with strong contractions.

I'm a little unsure what to do now 😅 It's best to wait and see, right?

But because of the previous, very quick births, I'm a little worried that it'll start suddenly and I won't have time to go to the hospital. Especially since I'm alone with the kids all day today and my husband won't be home until late in the evening.

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7 months ago


Too much to the KH than too little.

If the FA has already said it doesn’t take long and you’ve been hurting, please go to the test

I can understand you well, time is fast if you have to go fast.

I also had three very fast births. Although it was said that the third would be disturbing, it was right that quickly

All good for birth 🙂