3 Gänge Menü Komponenten?
Als Vorspeise habe ich eine Lachs-ceviche mit Avocado und Mango auf einem parmesankörbchen geplant, dazu einen mini-saIat (Feldsalat + Rucola) & karamellisierte Tomaten mit einem honig-senf-Dill Dressing geplant.
Was haltet ihr erstmal davon?
Dazu würde ich gerne irgendwas mit Rind oder Reh reichen und ziemlich gerne einen Wasabi Schaum unterbringen. Passt Reh überhaupt dazu? und soll ich die Tomaten besser in den Hauptgang verlegen?
Ideen für das Dessert nehme ich auch gerne an.
Danke schonmal
To the appetizer.
You have a salad with dressing (Ceviche) on or next to a salad with dressing (leaf salad, tomatoes, dressing). That’s really awesome. So why not.
What bothers me is the parmesan underset. The crispy is highly welcome but the taste of the Parmesan…I find it about it so I would go towards grating potatoes, potato straw or a few bread chips. Bread chips for spooning fish also or tomatoes…
[So I mean very thin fried and dried bread slices of ‘feinem’ bread]
Load tomatoes on a broschetta?
More crispy but less cheese 😃
Tomatoes I see why but I wouldn’t do it.
Everything fits to Wasabi but also Reh at Rind, the combination is of course a bit more familiar about the double horseradish tuna bridge in the brain. 😉
At the main course, I would first consider how to make the meat and what roasted steak sprinkled… traditional cooked beef…… and then consider supplements.
Blackberry/Quitten/ Pumpkin Caramel/ Pears – Crumble or Tarte tatin or Strudel with nem matching ice depending on the fruit. Blackberry + cinnamon or vanilla quinces + spice ice cream – pears + violet ice cream. Uh, I think that’s good. Pear tars and violet ice. With roasted almonds and some bitter chocolate over it.
Only thought-to the appetizer tend to be beautiful scallop or 3 😄 or small marinated fondant sweet potatoes or a slice of sweet potato paste or root vegetables in fish asp…
Still ne idea: do avocado mango tartar and nen salad and a broschatta with caramelized tomatoes and vllt a bit of radish carpaccio indicated or radish salad … and put a piece of pickled salmon on it and bread chips. Or even simply fried on the skin. [And without jokes- now a Wasabi foam that would be good. Or yogurt or Mayo-based wasabis sauce].
So I would do that, but then the main dish would be a bit lighter i.e. already prepared with some swollen and dessert would already be ready before the salad pod. But appetizer is the best gang 😃
Would you prefer to prepare the appetizer and serve something short? How about a salmonquiche with a small salad with mangovinaigrette and avocado-wasabi preparation so as a “cream cube”
I had already thought about the cheese
Yes, I’d rather keep the appetizer a bit more generous, but I’m not a fan of fish in just two courses at once the rest sounds very good.
I would like to cook a ruckus (sous-vide?) or even beef. A red wine sauce and root vegetables. but somehow failed
The pumpkin caramel Crumble convinced me what an ice cream would fit well?
… Ochsenbäckchen mit Bratensoße (whether the root vegetables and the wine are pumped), chilirotkohl, wasabikohlrabi, slice of french napkin dumplings? That would be mine, but I think you’re too sweet and traditional.
Ah PS still something to the Wasabi, except for the pre-position into the appetizer
You’ll get it super some meat root vegetables red wine sauce. Knödl unter – Wasabiknödel (reingerieben) or make a Wasabi apple compote or -Quittenkompott -Birnenragout oä. But everything is sweatless without fresh water. Problem with most wasabi preparations is stopped as soon as the sharpness has been turned up enough from the amount already dominate the side taste features.
Yes, the cheese-fish problem is obvious. But I also think that something like “crispy spoons” would simply be more horny on the one hand and on the other hand that Parmesan is simply very dominant off the cheese taste.
Yes, I feared because there are no compelling associations Red wine sauce and root vegetables, however, I find much, much stronger than puree and sugar chops.
Root vegetables so halved/quartered/ columns very easily fried and sugared… but then without jokes what would be horny would be a slice of butter fried napkin dumplings – perhaps with a special feature such as porcelain dumplings or walnut bread dumplings.
Otherwise, if beef in vine sauce with root vegetables and X erdenke evtl. the oxenbäckchen or oxenbäckchen. It’s just fantastic pork and maybe 2% more unusual.
Depends on whether you clean ” pumpkin seasoning” (= Christmas seasoning mix wild) into the crumble.
I wouldn’t do it and maybe make an ingivation or rum ice cream, or somehow both separated. Muscat, ginger, star anise, Garam Masala, chili… on the one hand egg yolk rum vanilla cream….
perhaps also a puree and sugar-choed
Simmer for 4 hours in wine and root vegetables. I’d like to roast something before.
I had already thought about black root
Rotkohl am I win fan from in combination with Chili wow
and I love serviette dumps the kombi seems horny
how to prepare the ochsenbäckchen?
… Wasabi Black Roots/ Pastkinaken
…generally instead of root vegetables because of novelty factor, a special root vegetables root/ Pastinak/ Black root
… ride things in Wasabi-Pakorateig or Wasabi-Bierteig….
You could also make a potato apple/grain/Quitten Gratin with Wasabi as a supplement or a warm, defensive cake with such ingredients (and possibly a bit Speck 😃) or a soufflet as a main course supplement.
… pumpkin crumble with caramelis also makes sense, but you could make a caramel sauce and a rumfruit ice cream…..Malagaeis… tonka beans… very light ginger ice cream – I still find with the best so i cream with a trace of ginger.
I would make a steak Tatar with sweet potatoes
And as dessert I would make watermelon mints sorbet or watermelon feta salat
Hmm but watermelon in autumn is difficult 🥲
The appetizer is clear. What do you want to serve for supplements at the main court? As far as dessert is concerned, I can recommend apple cake or mousse au chocolat.
I would like to make something with sweet potato or pumpkin
That’s what you can do.
gnoccis sounds interesting
For example, you could serve sweet potatoes as a puree, gnocchis, roasts, or as a dumplings. You could use the pumpkin for the sauce.
How would you prepare them?