Is 2x strength training and then 1x endurance training good?

I've been training with push/pull/leg exercises for about nine months now, and I've had pretty good results overall. I went from 1.87cm and 54kg (underweight) to 1.88cm and 74kg. I'm male and started out 15, and now I'm 16.

I'm now considering whether I should do a 2-split and an optional endurance day, depending on time.

With the three-week split, it's sometimes just not possible to combine it with my life. School is often stressful due to exam periods, and on top of that, there are quite a few doctor's appointments because I also have scoliosis and have to wear a brace. Those appointments are quite frequent. Also for physiotherapy, which is once a week for about an hour. So it often happens that I can't train for two days. Sometimes you want to do something with friends, but then you miss another day.

A two-split + endurance day would give me more flexibility, because I wouldn't have to train six times a week, but only four if I'm short on time. Then I would skip the endurance day. If I have time, for example, if I'm on vacation or not writing papers, I'd go back to upper/lower/endurance.

The question now is, will I be able to build muscle just as well this way? My goal is to build muscle and live a healthy lifestyle. (For example, I no longer eat highly processed foods, like sweets, ready meals, etc. I cook everything myself for a week. I don't take supplements because my parents forbid it, and I just have to live with it.) I eat about 3700 kcal to gain weight and 185g of protein.

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5 months ago

In training, the frequency is also decisive in addition to the volume (weight x repeats x sets). So how often you train every muscle in the week.

With your current plan you train all muscles only 1x the week.

2 trainings with a whole body plan would be better. So you use the time better… it just has the disadvantage that you should not train 2 days in a row because of the regeneration. But this should be easy to implement at 2 workdays.

5 months ago
Reply to  bettina90

Doesn’t make any difference whether you make 2 splits or 2 fulls. With whole body one (as you have said) has more frequency, but for that, normally, the energy is not enough to efficiently train all muscles at the most, which then compensates again. In addition, regeneration takes 2-3 days, so the time would be a much greater restriction.

5 months ago
Reply to  PTMtobi

Grade at a 2 split or 3 split you have to train the same muscle to much more sentences as you say efficiently. You have to be able to say that it’s harder or lighter.

5 months ago
Reply to  bettina90

Whole body training is more useful for beginners, rehabilitation, etc. but not for a natural athlete… I accidentally gave you a like. 😅

Because it doesn’t make any sense at all. 2 or max 3 he Split I consider to be the Allermists much more sensible. I can only agree with my previous speaker

3 months ago

So if you only do 2x a week strength training would be full body training for you Ideal

5 months ago

The splits don’t make much difference as long as you know what you do while exercising. There are some relatively recent studies/meta analyses that show that almost every split (at least push, pull leg / arnold split / upper lower split / full body) brings the same results, with the only restriction that if you want to absolutely perfect it, the Arnold Split does not have enough time to load the muscles enough for maximum weekly growth. But whether push, pull, leg or upper/lower body split or whatever you want to do a two-split is really no matter.