2jahriger macht kein mittagsschlaf?

Hallo mein kleiner macht seit einer Woche kein mittagsschlaf mehr und schläft dafür von 19 bis teils 8.30uhr

Nun ist meine Frage der kurze war jetzt krank daher nicht in der GTP

Was kann ich machen wenn die ihn wieder zum mittagsschlaf machen bringen wollen.

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2 years ago

Nothing, he found his rhythm and that’s good.

At the time our children were also: noon sleep 1-2 hours, and in the evening they were not given to bed.
Aldo fell out of midday sleep and it was sleeping from 20:00 – 07:00 to 08:00.

2 years ago

Not at all.

The child gets the sleep it needs. It has its rhythm. As long as it doesn’t go through the night with party and play, everything is okay:D

It’s gonna settle down again when it takes lunch. It also has to do with the activities.

2 years ago

Talk to them!

But it may well be that the need for midday sleep is there again. Such a care is to be “more strenuous” than at home.

Possibly that for a while it is so naturalized that no midday sleep is necessary at home at the weekend, but under the week already.

2 years ago


If he’s really tired, he’ll be asleep.

Listen to beautiful music, don’t touch yourself up to stroke actively with him (for example he looks at a book)

My sleeps like that when she’s sick

But even though she doesn’t make a noon sleep, she can still make normal noon sleep, like night sleep, you put yourself in bed, etc, the same ritual.


2 years ago


Just leave him.

1 year ago


with me the sleeping pills ratiopharm by DocMorris super work!

what did you find for a solution
