-26kg bin unzufriedener als davor?

Bin jetzt bei 73 kg Körpergewicht und habe in zwei Jahren 26 kg abgenommen. Mir fehlen nur noch 6 kg bis zum ,,normal‘‘ Gewicht, sehe mich aber immer noch so wie davor, als ich 99kg gewogen habe. War es bei einem genau so?

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1 year ago

Hello msh44

Welcome to the hard reality of the body dysmorphia. It often happens that you still see your body as before, especially when it has slowly changed. I used to be a laugh and I’ve been training for two years. And when I look in the mirror sometimes, I still feel too thin, although my weight is normal. It is important to know that this only happens in your head. Look at the pictures of you earlier and look at how far you actually brought it.

You may not believe it but many of the best bodybuilders in the world, also suffer from it.

Greeting Paul

1 year ago

That’s quite normal. I’m sure you’ve been overweight longer than you’ve ever been normal weighted. You don’t just get that out of your brain just because the kilos go down.

It is important that you do not go from one to the other extreme!

1 year ago

Compare old photos with what of today. Then you see the difference.

1 year ago

but still see me as before when I weighed 99kg.

No, you don’t see that you mean. Your body lacks some impunity, which you can significantly reduce with sport.

1 year ago
Reply to  Msh45

It’ll be better. Many who have taken so much, report that it takes a long time to really get in the head.