2500€ netto oder mehr?
Hey Leute,
So aus Interesse will ich eine Rund Frage starten, die geht aber an alle, die kein Studium gemacht haben, wer von euch verdient 2500 € netto oder mehr und was für eine Ausbildung, Abschluss oder Qualifikation musstet ihr dafür machen?
Diese Rund Frage ist, weil so viele mit normale Arbeit normal leben können aber ich mach Schichtarbeit und 6 Tage die Woche um viel Geld zu kriegen, aber selbst das ganze Geld reicht mir nicht und die Frage dient dazu, da ich erfahren möchte, ob es Jobs gibt, wo man fünf Tage arbeitet und gut verdient….?
I did a normal training and I got more nice.
However, I am no longer working in my training profession, but have changed the profession years ago and worked me up.
I currently work in quality assurance and work in sliding time. I would never work on weekends anymore, 5 days are enough.
We currently have an employee market, apply elsewhere and negotiate well, then you also have reasonable working hours =)
May I ask what kind of training was that where you had more nice?
And now you’ve changed the job to one where you had no experience and deserve more? So you’ve made a safe transition with quality without experience?
I have learned procedural mechanics, after which I changed into the logistics (crossing) and then I further qualified.
In my old job, I might have as much as now with the layer and dirt supplements, just that I do a clean job without layer =)
Then the problem is relatively clear not on the income side but on your spending behaviour.
Yes, because “many” (as single) do not need 2500€ to live normally…
2 questions before:
I think you hit the nail on your head with the wrong spending behavior.
I’m a bus driver, with shift supplements I’m good at the sum, but then also weekends and holidays in there, day and night. But even free when others work.
I am 31, I have made a commercial training and followed by some further training. Work at a wholesaler in logistics. My salary is over 2500 euros net.
This would be possible with large companies. There you could work less for a lot of money. Smaller or medium is difficult to get a lot
I’m just catching up with my friend’s brother, but I wouldn’t call that a real job for up to retirement xD
He is e-learner and earns with cock really good money
I only have a training for the system integrator and have trained myself on certifications. As a senior cloud engineer, I am at about 4,000€ net a month.
Chemical at BASF.
With layer supplements good & like 4000-5000 net.
Did you have to study or what?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
They do not take everyone there, the main school degree is actually already n KO criterion, and they have too many applicants.
On 4k net and more you only come with shift supplements, i.e. nightwork, Sunday work etc.
Although I only graduated from primary school, I just had luck in life and came in a good 5 days job
That’s what I’m doing with the main school degree. Can I ask what kind of job you’re doing?
I have actually been a retail trader in textiles.
I came to the energy industry earlier via a call center and now work in electronic market communication in network usage management from a large energy provider.
I would say I was just lucky
1. We compare gross wages.2.
Two. One brutto of more than 3000 € can be reached with any degree if you choose the right companies.
3. You can see very clearly that people with simple training and a high gross salary have made demanding trainings by the bank.
2500€ net and you can’t live on your own? I’m surprised.