23, Mutter und jetzt in Ausbildung. Kann ich mein Kindergeld beziehen?
Wie in der Überschrift schon steht bin ich 23 Jahre alt und Mutter eines drei jährigen Kindes. Ich habe seit September meine Ausbildung angefangen und meine Frage ich daher ob ich mein Kindergeld auch wieder beantragen kann. Habe seit drei Jahren kein Kindergeld mehr bekommen, wahrscheinlich da ich mit der Schule fertig war und keine Ausbildung angefangen hatte
Your parents will apply for your child’s money and then forward it to you.
If you are again in education and not in parental time, under 25 there is also a right to child benefit for you.
The application must be made by a parent, either your parents will give you the child’s money after you have been granted or will give you your bank details.
If the child’s money could also be paid directly to you by a branch request at the family fund, there should be problems with the parents and the transfer.
For you no longer live in the household of the parents and do not get min. Keeping in the amount of the child’s money, then the child’s money is yours.
Child benefit can only be paid retroactively for a maximum of 6 months.
The child’s money you get for your child is your child’s money.
Child money paid for you is basically the parent.
They have to make the request.
But would my parents also get the child’s money for me despite being my mother and not living at home anymore?
Google tells you:D
Yes. Basically, until you are 24. Evtl in special exceptions longer. You can say more about this.
Yeah, if you’re in an education, you’ll get a child’s allowance for you up to the age of 25. If you don’t do anything, just until 18.
Even if I already have a child and don’t live at home anymore?
Googlen can make life so easy 😀
Only if a request for a branch has been made.