20mg Escitalopram zu viel?


Ich habe vor 2 Monaten auf Anweisung die Escitalopram von 15mg auf 20mg gesteigert.

Mit der Zeit merkte ich dass es mir wieder schlechter geht obwohl ich die volle Dosis von 20mg nahm

Jetzt nehme ich seit 4 Tagen wieder die 15mg und mir geht’s besser denn je. Also wirklich alles ist besser.Wohlbefinden, zeitgefühl Glücklichsein und alles was dazugehört.

Ist das Einbildung oder ist das möglich dass die 15mg besser wirken und 20mg einfach zuviel war?

Wäre interessant zu wissen. Ich merke einen gewaltigen Unterschied


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8 months ago

In February, you’ve had massive problems and side effects with a dosage of 5 mg to 10 mg.

They seem to have been laid, so you were added to 15 mg.

The 20mg dose has led to unpleasant effects.

With 15mg you feel comfortable and happy. Then stay at the dosage and call Montat the attending doctor and explain it to him.

It’s important that you feel comfortable.

Good for you.

8 months ago

Dear Roman,

I believe that there are exactly two options for your current improvement after the renewed reduction of escitalopram to 15 mg/day:

1. You have an exceptionally good body feeling and a particularly good body perception, so that your body has signaled you that the dose of 20 mg is too high, because after the dose increase, you went worse. As a result, you have trusted you and your feeling and reduced the dosage to the original 15 mg. What was better then as expected! What proves that the 15 mg escitalopram are exactly the right dose for you! And it’s so good for you!


Two. When you got worse after taking the 15-mg dose of Escitalopram, your doctor ordered you a higher dose, 20 mg, 2 months ago, which led to you getting better again.

But now, what you did not expect, and certainly not your doctor, did not happen: You were worse again!

D a s, dear Roman, may have been largely due to the fact that the symptoms of your depression have increased again! So that despite taking the anti-depressant, you had a disease boost again! For a depression is not a harmolic snippet, but a very serious disease taking all human beings, where there are highs and lows!

And that’s why, if you are doing so well, 4 days after the dose reduction to 15 mg, this can be the after-sounding of the higher dose of 20 mg, which is only now noticeable because your psyche and your body, i.e. your brain chemistry, took time to adjust to the higher dose and process it effectively! So that the drop of 20 mg has coincided with the reduction to 15 mg of escitalopram by chance!

Even if I am fully experienced, I cannot explain to you whether point 1.) or point 2.) apply to you! The most likely that your psychiatrist can tell you, who knows you and your illness and who knows better than I know how such a small dose increase or. Reduction of only 5 mg can affect!

What I advise you: That you keep the 15mg and keep you well and listen to you! If your mental condition continues to be so stable, D know that you are right with your 15 mg and that this is the right dose for your suffering!

If, however, your condition is deteriorating and noticeably, so that you notice that you are getting worse again, this is the indication that you are not sufficient for the 15 mg and that the 20 mg is definitely appropriate for you!

But what I say to you in principle:

As a medical layman and patient, you should not be able to reduce the dose of your medication! Or even leave them at the end because you think it’s so good for you now, for which you even need an antidepressant! Most relapses occur due to the fact that a mentally ill person misassembles himself and his situation and also his illness and then believes to be able to put his medicine down because it is better for him!

You shouldn’t reduce the dose of your medication by the doctor! For this reason, I advise you to visit your psychiatrist as soon as possible and to inform him about the development of the last four days! The important thing is that you have absolute trust in your psychiate and also in your medications he writes to you!

The best chance of a stable psyche and even a cure of a depression is that you take your medications j e d e n day reliably like a watchdog, even if you still feel so good! As a patient and layman, you are not able to judge whether you have reached such a mentally stable state that you can put your antidepressants, which give you protection and help you back to a good life. And above all, you don’t know how to put them down and how to sneak them out! Only your experienced psychiatrist knows that!

Therefore, dear Roman, it is very important that you work with your psychiatrist in the closest way trustingly! By telling him about all things that affect you and your medicine! So he’s always up to date with you and knows what’s happening,

If you do, you will get your depression very well under control and even have the chance to overcome them and defeat them! This can only succeed you if you take into account and implement the things I have addressed!

Well, dear Roman! Then listen to yourself and go to your psychiatrist in parallel! You don’t need to be afraid, the doctor knows himself, such patients as you, who are able to reduce their medicine, are well known to him: he will deal professionally with it and willingly enter into you and will not rip your head off!

Then I wish you, dear Roman, all the best! Best psychic stability and the insight that your illness, depression, brain chemistry has gotten out of the joints and that drugs, such as escitalopram, can bring them back to the ground! And that it is necessary to take your medication regularly and consistently!

Greetings and good wishes!

