200-Euro-Schein nicht angenommen?
Ich wollte heute bei einer bekannten Schmuckkette einen Ring und ein Armband im Wert von insgesamt knapp 160 Euro kaufen. Der Kauf war geplant, ich bin deshalb zuvor zur Bank gefahren und habe mir einen 200-Euro-Schein am Schalter auszahlen lassen. Als es dann an der Kasse im Geschäft zum Bezahlen kam, telefonierte die Mitarbeiterin erst (vermutlich mit dem Chef) und gab dann bekannt, dass sie den Schein nicht annehmen werde. Hab der Verkäuferin dann gesagt, dass Banknoten unbegrenztes gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel sind und nicht pauschal abgelehnt werden dürfen. Im gesamten Geschäft gab es keinen einzigen Hinweis darauf, dass bestimmte Scheine nicht akzeptiert werden. Bin dann ohne etwas zu kaufen zum Kaufhof gefahren. Dort hat man meinen 200-Euro-Schein ohne Murren und Zucken angenommen. Fachgeschäfte wundern sich einerseits, wieso kein Kunde ihre Geschäfte betritt und andererseits wollen sie kein Geld akzeptieren. Dann eben nicht.
Die Frage ist nun – wem kann ich diesen Vorfall melden? Ist das Ordnungsamt dafür zuständig?
This is likely to be the responsibility of the industrial supervisor. Often this is a branch of the order collector.
Thank you, I’ll report to you.
Good luck and success. Such shops need a shot in front of the bug.
Why such a crack for nothing?
Ach Rheinflip, not everyone sees legal violations as loose as you and presses both eyes here and there. Where are we going when our money is rejected for pleasure and pleasure?
Thank you.
Who’s gonna pay that cash? I wouldn’t want anyone to take such a look. Who knows if he’s real? Are much too few in circulation
Seriously, you’re going to the bank to get cash. Run into business with the appearance. Exchange it against merchandise so that the owner has to repay this bill. Madness! I prefer to take 100x my credit card and let the value of the purchase be transferred immediately from my account to that of the seller. Save paths and no one can steal this appearance on the paths. So much more pleasant and efficient.
Then take your stupid credit card and let you watch. Unbelievable, how to embarrass yourself and be proud of it. Hope you’ll get the card locked one day and you’ll have to watch your money. Or the card payment terminals in DE are out, everything has happened: https://www.rnd.de/wirtschaft/kartenpayment-functional-non-federal-problem-bei-ec-und-visa-zum-weihnachtgeschaft-NFJREF2KO5HG5G2JYE5LGTBTGM.html
By the way: Paid advertisement for Mastercard or Visa is prohibited on GF.
PS: Your answer does not answer my question in any way.
Why? A KK can’t be smart or stupid. It’s a piece of plastic with chip.
And the great fear of the surveillance state borders on Paranoia. But you must be afraid of something. Best of all, the smartphone will be dripping and disposing. This makes monitoring even much better possible.
And read my introduction again: the 200€ appearance is just unknown. You can report whoever you want. An insecure means of payment that is not in circulation is not accepted.
I will. Better aluminum foil on the head than no brain in the head.
Have fun with your lobbying for Mastercard and Visa and your great credit card. Let yourself be monitored and keep playing the slave. In this sense – stupidity knows no borders and happy Christmas!
Well, you have to know, only the term “undercoat” speaks volumes about your drawer thinking. Actually, I think I’ve never had a 200€ bill in my hand. Also 100 or 50 extremely rare. In principle, I don’t have any money to spend it again. Why? I explained at the beginning.
Therefore, I almost exclusively use my credit cards, although the banks certainly share my entire purchasing profile with the state. Or is it just the banks that monitor me? Or is it even Rewe, Lidl, Edeka and DM? And Amazon! They’re supposed to be the worst. Also with Alexa 😳 Or all together? Oh, help!
Good evening. And buy only enough aluminum foil, with cash of course (only no 200s). That the helmets never go out.
The 200 euro bill is completely unknown. Some people have never seen such a seem in their hands, for example, because they deserve too little to be able to take off so much. You seem to be one of these people. It’s not bad, but retailing doesn’t just know the undercoat. The 200 euro bill is therefore definitely known to sellers.
A 200 euro bill is safe. It is legal tender and must be accepted in principle.
Why surveillance state? Credit cards are not issued by the state. You really have less idea than I thought.
No offense. No display conceivable
Why not?
In principle, legal means of payment must not be rejected. Exception: It is clearly pointed out. That wasn’t the case. Even traders must not do and do what they want.
If the dealer says that some security features are not recognizable, the duty is done
Isn’t it because the dealer didn’t even say that in this case. And even if, the trader would have to specify what security features are not fulfilled. In the case of false money, you don’t just let the customers go, but you call the police. You obviously don’t have much idea.