200-300 Puls bei Sport normal?
Wenn ich Sport mache oder mich zu sehr anstrenge bekomme ich einen Puls von 200-300 war in sehr vielen Kliniken im ekg aber die finden nichts eher gesagt meinen alles gesund was ist das denn es geht 5-10min ab und danach wieder ins normale Rhythmus
You already have the answer. If there was a burden on EKG in the clinic, you could have said that.
Endurance training is recommended.
Jogging, walking, swimming, rowing, cycling etc
You made the normal EKG stop with me so when I try it comes to this climax
Don’t change my answer!
If you don’t try it, you can exclude further If Then functions as the first If Then Condition is still open and resulting If Then loops are not interrogated (you understand the language of Excel better?)
And if it’s still there
Yes, but at too little endurance sports
What sport?
It’ll be on it!
Yes but you didn’t make a stress test