20 Eier in 3 Tagen ungesund?
kurz & knapp habe 20 Bio klasse A 🥚 in 3 tagen gegessen muss ich mir sorgen machen oder ist das eher gesund ?
kurz & knapp habe 20 Bio klasse A 🥚 in 3 tagen gegessen muss ich mir sorgen machen oder ist das eher gesund ?
Hallo, ich esse im Sommer generell nicht sehr viel, aber wegen Krankheiten in den letzten 3 Wochen sehr sehr wenig. (300 kcal am Tag) nun geht es mir wieder besser aber ich kann keine normalen Mahlzeiten essen ohne dass mir direkt schlecht wird. Auch wenn ich esse spüre ich es direkt dass es so ein…
mit vielen jahren habt ihr angefangen kaffee zu trinken?
(hab eine esstörung weiss ich selber) wollte fragen wie viel obst am morgen eig gesund ist wegen dem zucker…
Ein übermäßiger Verzehr von Fleisch, egal, um welche Sorte es sich handelt, ist schlecht für die Gesundheit aber auch für die Schönheit. Ich esse persönlich nur maximal einmal in der Woche Fleisch, und maximal einmal eine halbe Sucuk in der Woche. Mich würde interessieren, wie oft ihr Fleisch esst.
Welche Eissorte mögt ihr am liebsten?
Absolutely no problem. Is the best source of protein that exists and the cholesterol in it (or dietary) is not the same as the body’s own cholesterol. Alongside countless paintings, these two things have not been negatively influenced and is an old myth. We’ll get some air. Muffelt stop. Pitch ðŸ ̃6gr protein per day on 3 days, i.e. 120 gr protein, 40gr per day. Sounds like a normal motor sports breakfast (2 eigelb per day). Is for most a normal protein target per meal. Personally, however, I will eat so tired of eating them on the evening + bananen specifically to increase my sleep quality.
They’re still hanging out. 2 egg yolk per day goes into order with most and saves some additional costs for minerals. 1 egg yolk per week is more likely to be considered for someone who eats a lot of trans fat and otherwise eats a lot of high-processed finished food where very much cheap egg and also trans fat/sugar is in it (almost everything you buy at the supermarket). It’s from the article. But if eggs are one of your only sources of fat and other vegetable oil and omega 3 is added, the story looks quite different.
It’s not a problem for your health. It’s a problem for the chickens you have to live in the attitude you’ve financed with it.
The chickens come from ecological attitude
You can also see the ecological attitude at “Dominion” or at “Earthlings”. Both on YouTube.
Over a short period rather not. In the long term, this could make nutrient shortage because eating too much of one thing is you eat less of other things. With the amount of eggs, I would have thought about cholesterol. Too much cholesterol intake about food is unhealthy, that too much can be created in a normal omnivorous diet.Eiers are cholesterol content I do not know why they should form the exception.
No more than three days. You shouldn’t always do that.
In the long run, so many eggs would be unhealthy
Even if the eggs are from the happy chicken from the farm