2 takter mit a1?
Hallo Leute,
Man hört ja immer 2takter sind wartungsintensiv. Das weiss ich auch. Meine Frage geht an die die sich für den a1 eine 2 takter gekauft haben und mir aus eigener Erfahrung berichten können. Außerdem will ich keine exc oder te sondern eine die auch eine “echte” strassenzulassung hat sprich keine Wettbewerbsenduro. Beispiel Kawasaki kmx husqarna sms wre usw.
Bitte keine eigene Meinung sondern nur Fakten. DANKE!
125’s 2-clockers are “tamed”. Does not extend as maintenance intensive as the large. Ne girlfriend had 40,000km on her wre with the first cylinder, my 250 WR was after 100 hours frit.
I think it’s worth only a 2-stroke at 125s. 4-clockers are too sluggish and may have too little power to move the moped reasonably.
And remember, 15ps in nem 2 tacter feel different like 15-ps in nem 4 tacter
OK thanks for your answer👍
The problem is the 2-stroke barely correspond to today’s exhaust and environmental requirements.
With such a part, you then have a life-long house ban at “Friday for Future”. Things are no longer being built today. DAs means you’ll have to take a used mopped out of the moth boxes. Things are 20 years old or older today, after so much time it is difficult to catch a mopped in a technically good condition. Things are driven by 16 years old and everyone has also treated them with care.
Today’s things are tricked to death, made-up or demarcated.
20 years? The Husky SMS he named can also get used from 2012…