2 Takt oder 4 Takt?
Mich würde mal interessieren, welches Motorrad welche Leistungen und Nachteile auf den Tisch bringt.
Ich fahre aktuell eine 2 Takt, jedoch muss ich sagen das auch 4 Takt Motorräder fantastisch und atemberaubend sind.
Deshalb würde ich gerne mal euch für ein paar Schwächen und Stärken befragen,
2Tacters are generally more splashing than 4Tacters. But I do not believe that more than 50ccm can be admitted in the EU. 4Tacters have a somewhat higher torque due to construction, but even with the same displacement space, much less power. For this, however, 2 actuators also need significantly more fuel and also need oil for lubrication of the piston, which is also burned with. However, 2 actuators are much simpler and much lighter than 4 actuators. For this, 4Tacters hold significantly longer than 2Tacters.
2 are weakened :
Altitude rides (mountain tours) Petrol oxygen mixture no longer fits and carburetor must be adjusted
Should not be so durable
has more performance
4 tact;
Durable, less maintenance
Less PS
Savings in large machines is no longer just 50-125ccm
2t 125 ccm = ca40ps unthrottled
4t 125= 15pd throttled