2 Takt Motor aus Kompressor Zylinder bauen?

Klar ist die Idee und das damit verbundene Vorhaben aufwendig, aber mich würde es mal interessieren ob man aus einem alten Kompressor nen 2Takt Motor bauen könnte. Man hat ja einen Zylinder und ein Kurbelgehäuse. Rein theoretisch muss man doch nur einen Überströmer sowie einen Ein- und Auslass reinfräsen und eine Zündung bauen.

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3 years ago

There are even videos on YouTube where refrigerator compressors built internal combustion engines. I therefore think that it is possible with effort as long as the parts all hold the heat.

3 years ago

But that would be possible, the question is whether it is going to be great, because the change in gas in two-strokes is a science for itself.

The second question is whether the crankshaft withstands because it is not designed for the sudden high combustion pressures but for the absolutely uniform drive by the electric motor.

3 years ago

There are several additional problems. First there is no combustion chamber. For what. In the upper dead center, the piston almost touches the cylinder head. There would be no room for the displaced air, and clearly before that the mixture would already ignite by compression.

Furthermore, piston compressors simply press the air through their outlet valve, the pressure inside never exceeds 10 bar. In a combustion, however, it would have been clearly over 60 bar in the cylinder, and also temperatures up to 2000° C. For this, neither the material nor the cooling nor the material thickness is designed. He would just burst sooner or later.

3 years ago

Then tell me how you want to mill the overflow channel in there?

It’s only in the casting process.