2 Speicher?
Hallo an alle,
ich habe schonmal gehört, dass Leute 2 speicher im pc haben.Der eine ist für die Windows Dateien glaube ich und der andere spiele usw .
Kann mir dass bitte jemand erklären?
Was brauche ich dann für meinen pc?
2 SSDs ?
Hallo an alle,
ich habe schonmal gehört, dass Leute 2 speicher im pc haben.Der eine ist für die Windows Dateien glaube ich und der andere spiele usw .
Kann mir dass bitte jemand erklären?
Was brauche ich dann für meinen pc?
2 SSDs ?
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Hallo, ich möchte eine neue SSD Festplatte in mein PC einbauen, aktuell hab ich aber schon 2 Volle drin und habe gemerkt das ich kein freis Stromkabel habe. Meine Frage ist es ob ich mein DVD Laufwerk ausbauen und diese Kabel für die neue Festplatte benutzen kann?
Hallo, mein Macbook air 2015 hat immer einwandfrei funktioniert aber heute habe ich ihn aufgemacht und die beleuchtung was sehr hell und man konnte die Schrift auch nicht lesen, da waren am anfang solche striche und dann habe ich ihn neugestartet und die Maus hat sich in Zeitlupe bewegt. Auch die Apps haben sich nur…
2 or more. For example, I have four plates in the system at the moment, of which I will soon be able to expand one because I don’t need them.
Overall, I installed 1x 250 GB SSD and 2x 2TB SSD. The 2TB SSDs are pure for games.
On the other hand, I barely have data on the computer that can be found on my network memory.
Well, there isn’t much to tell. Instead of simply exchanging the existing memory and re-establishing everything, additional storage media are installed in the system.
Your scenario – a record for Windoof and one for games/data – has the advantage that you can reinstall the system at any time without losing data on the other records. For example, you save downloading and installing games
For the first time, you should see how many slots are available on your motherboard. If one is still free and a corresponding power cable is still available, you simply have to buy a storage medium and connect it accordingly to the system.
either another SSD or, for example, an HDD. Personally, I would access an SSD as loud and less sensitive – but also a much higher price per gigabyte.
Just when the budget doesn’t give so much and much storage is needed, you often find a small SSD for Windows and programs and a large HDD for games or similar.
Sure, come on. In principle, you can (more or less) use any number of disks. Some, for example, use a small SSD for Windows to make the PC work faster, and for games and other larger amounts of data, a HDD that is cheaper than an SSD.
Of course, there is nothing against using multiple SSDs. I haven’t used any hard drives for years, but two SSDs (the breakdown of the data corresponds to your example).
Do you mean storage… or storage space on the “hard disk”?
I have been working with Windows for over 30 years and have always two hard drives, or two hard drive drives…
Windows system and all programs on the one… files, photos, media, privates on the other …
Has the advantage for me … with a new installation from the system or system change, I can transfer the “private” directly via an external FP and have the same file structure everywhere … and the “C:” can be completely deleted and reinstalled …
There are also more than 2 stores.
You need several SSDs or HDDs.
Many PCs have an SSD and an HDD, but you can also build two SSDs.
Of course, you also need the space to connect the connections and cables in the housing.
I currently have no SSD for Windows, another SSD for games and programs and an HDD for all other data (pictures, videos, music, documents, etc.).
Depending on the motherboard, you can also have 4, 6, 8 or even more memory disks in the PC. If you only want to use this as an additional memory, they don’t have to be the same. So you can also have an SSD and an HDD in a system. Of course, SSDs are faster and quieter (or noisy).
It would be best to know what kind of PC you have with what for a motherboard and which connections are occupied, but if you have only one hard drive to date, it is quite certain that at least one SATA port is still available, i.e. you could install any SATA HDD or SSD. It is best to ensure that you can mount them somewhere in the housing.
HDDs are also available with high capacities, but as I said, they are slower and louder than SSDs.
Windows is repeatedly addressed during work, addressing the hard drive, which leads to waiting time when working, as HDDs can always read and rotate only one file to get to the next file.
Therefore, as SSDs it was still very expensive to take small SSDs for Windows to accelerate the start of PC s extreem.
Today SSD s are so favorable the 2 plates are still current and expensive.
A SSD can retrieve parralel data.