2 Polizeianzeigen, welche Strafe erwartet mich?

Hallo, ich habe vor kurzem zwei Verkehrsverletzungen mit dem Motorrad begangen, ich bin leider unabsichtlich in eine einfahrt verboten zone gefahren, hab es aber auch gleich gemerkt, doch da war die Polizei schon hinter mir, dann merkten sie das ich dazu keine Brille an hatte, ich wusste nicht dass ich eine tragen müsse, weil ich dies in der Fahrschule auch nicht gemacht habe und mir keiner etwas darüber gesagt hatte, nun hab ich 2 Anzeigen, ich wohne übrigens in Österreich und bin in der Probezeit, dies war mein erstes vergehen, mit was kann ich jetzt rechnen?

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1 year ago


difficult. To pass the wrong entrance I found nothing suitable. Just something general:

There are in Austria no uniform catalogue of fines; as is the case in Germany. In the Federal Republic of Germany, hundreds of violations of traffic law, which constitute a violation of traffic regulations, are laid down in detail in the catalogue of fines, points and ban on driving. This is different in Austria.

The individual bureaucracy determines the amount of fines for individual offences. Minor traffic regulations do not involve an organ mandate, but rather a Anonymous order. However, there is also a catalogue for so-called Legislation. The Austrians call the fine in this case “Organmandat”. The organ mandates are about the same in Austria. Organ mandates are imposed by police officers (e.g. in traffic control), while the relevant fine authorities manage the anonymous orders.

: Anonymous order or organ mandate:Both means that a driver must pay a fine due to a violation of the laws of safety in the traffic. For an anonymous order, the fine does not exceed the limit of € 365. In addition, the penalty is not entered in the criminal register and thus remains “anonym. ”

It’s different Penalties out. The fine is significantly higher here and an entry in the criminal register is made. Unlike an anonymous order or an organ mandate, you can find here Objection to rise.

In fine table you can pay the fine for essential Dangers of transport from the Austrian fine catalogue. However, due to the different fines within Austria, this is only average values that only give an insight into the level of expected sanctions. Variations in 50 percent are nothing unusual here, however! This makes the development of a Federal Republic of Germany difficult.


And here more detailed:


If your offense is treated like a red light offense or drive opposite a one-way street, then you’ll probably get a fine of 50-100 euros. I don’t know. Perhaps only a warning, but perhaps it is also considered a dangerous intervention in road transport. Then it could be argued: If you haven’t seen the entry sign, you might have missed other road users.

1 year ago

there’s only one Austrian to help you. just wait.

I didn’t know I had to wear one,

is in the driver’s license, a glasses/contact lens have also worn during the visual test, which is entered in the FS by key number

Key number





Contact lens(s)


Glasses or contact lenses

Key figures on driving licence | ADAC