2 Gehaltabrechnung von 2 unterschiedlichen Unternehmen?
Hallo an die Coumunity,
ich habe eine Frage. Ich würde selbst die Steuererklärung für das 2023 selbst machen. leider habe festgestellt das einem Arbeitgeber für Monat April und Mai 2023 Gehaltsabrechnung bei Finanzamt geschickt hat obwohl kein Geld an mein Konto für diesen 2 Monat überwiesen hat. Ich war ab April bei anderem Unternehmen angestellt…was nun? was soll machen? Ich hätte gerne eine Beratung.
Danke und Gruß
The overviews obtained by employers after the job change or the change of the year are decisive. There is something like total gross and the period.
What’s landed on your account doesn’t matter.
If the information does not match the payouts, your employer owes you money.
Thanks for quick feedback, how should the employer notify me that he still has money?
Have you already got this overview with the whole brutto, etc? Are there any differences with what has landed on your account?
Then you should write it by e-mail z. the facts with the amounts and set a processing time of up to weeks.
All right, thanks for the info..:)
Okay, so I always get these from the employer. Either shortly after the change of year or with the last bill after the job change.
yes I got the whole overview out of the Elster (online finance). There is the overlap of the months April and May… Note announced at the beginning of March.. Delivery time 1 month…