2 Fragen zum Autopiloten?

1. Mitten während Langstreckenflügen lenkt das Flugzeug ja mal. Kann das der Autopilot? Oder muss der Pilot das extra machen? Wenn der Autopilot lenken kann, wie stellt der Pilot das ein?

2. Wenn der Autopilot aktiviert ist, dann kann noch nach der Zeit das Flugzeug die Route verlieren, wegen Winden?? Der Autopilot merkt ja nicht, dass Winde den Flieger zur Seite schieben?

Vielen Dank schonmal für Antworten:)

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2 years ago

The plane knows exactly where it is in the world through the IRS on board. The aircraft knows the exact weather data in its surroundings, as it receives on the one hand this information about signals from the ground, a specially built-in weather radar, which is stowed in the nose of the aircraft and distributes small sensors everywhere on the aircraft when you see from an aircraft window, then you can see such small black “stays” that are the weather sensors. What you are looking for is called VNAV or LNAV, the LNAV tells the airplane what course it must hold, the VNAV gives the speed before and when the sinking flight begins, the aircraft could also land itself with just a pair of buttons, but this is only used if the weather is bad (e.g. fog) this system is called ILS. However, there are also more systems on board such as the FlyByWire, which also supports the aircraft during the flight process when activated. In general, the LNAV system is more used less since it is redirected from time to time by the air traffic controllers or a new direction is given. Then the normal heading acts as an attitude, much info, but I hope it helped.

2 years ago

In commercial aircraft, the autopilots are able to compensate for the wind drift.

There are several methods for this.

For example, read navigation with VOR to understand it.

Best regards


2 years ago

1. Shortly after start, the autopilot is activated and then controls the flyer continuously until landing (of course after entering the pilots!)

Two. No, the plane is always put into the wind so that it does not drift.

2 years ago

The autopilot is a program that knows the route and can react to various events. And the autopilot notices very well when the airplane gets off the course by wind, on the one hand by the radio fire of the ground stations, on the other hand by GPRS.