2-cb in Pulverform oral konsumieren?

Hallo ich habe vor demnächst 2cb zu konsumieren. Das 2-cb Krieg ich in Pulverform und wollte fragen ob ich dies auch Oral konsumieren kann, denn nasal soll laut vielen Quellen starke Schmerzen verursachen. Meine zweite Frage wäre wie viel ich bei einem Körpergewicht von 85 Kilo konsumieren sollte.

Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Antworten!

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

If this is actually 2C-B (cf. Drugchecking), oral consumption is possible.

I am generally critical of specific individual dose recommendations. No one can tell you exactly how to react to any substance. A dose that has led to good experiences with others can be far too much for yourself. If you take the experiences of many people, average values can be determined, but these are rather statistically interesting and do not explain how the randomly balanced individual reacts to a certain dose. In doubt, it is better to take too little than too much.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

1 year ago

Vll As with mdma so bomb. So eif powder wrapped in piece pape and eif swallow

1 year ago
Reply to  erik420oderso

Faith such a 20mg should be rich