2 Bildschirme an Laptop anschließen?
Hallo liebe Community, ich habe einen Laptop der hat leider nur einen hdmi Anschluss ist es trotzdem möglich sich mit 2 Bildschirmen zu verbinden ? Kann man die Bildschirme irgendwie untereinander verbinden? Muss sehr viel mit Tabellen arbeiten wäre euch also sehr dankbar…
Freundliche Grüsse
You can connect several screens to an HDMI output with an HDMI splitter, but these screens then displayed the same image.
On the other hand, if you want to expand the display so that you can see different things on the screens, you should connect the screens separately.
In addition to HDMI, some laptops also have other connections such as DisplayPort. Also, in some laptops screens can be operated via USB.
With more modern notebooks there is USB-C/Thunderbolt 3 via which you can connect a docking station with hdmi/DisplayPort/VGA
Thank you
There are HDMI splitters.
But the one screen is displayed twice or?
Not necessarily: With DVI-HDMI adapter, USB-HDMI adapter or a docking station, 2 different images can also be realized.
Thank you