Combine 2 batteries into one?
I have two individual batteries of this type and how can I connect them so that they look like the second picture?
I have two individual batteries of this type and how can I connect them so that they look like the second picture?
I bought a vape 6 months ago to try out (I don't vape anymore). It was actually completely empty (I'm 100% sure). I just found it and pulled on it, and vapor came out. How is that possible? It was a disposable vape.
Which Bluetooth headphones over ear are the best in the price segment between 80-120€
Have a good meal! I'm currently building a radiator fan. For this purpose I connected a 12V temperature controller with a 12V mini PC fan. As soon as the radiator reaches, say, 26°C, the circuit board switches on the fan. This works perfectly. However, the fan runs much too fast/loudly at 12V. Installing a speed…
How can I set the x-axis to decimal in LTSprice?
I've changed my setup and also purchased a larger power strip. However, I was worried that it wouldn't be powerful enough for my PC (400W) and two monitors. The strip has specifications (see image), but I can't figure out what to do with it… What do these figures mean and will the distribution be strong…
Hello, I am aware that the heating meter readers are only using imaginary units. However, I am interested in whether this can be the same unit on statements 22 and 23 or whether the unit has been changed, e.g. due to new meters or a different conversion factor. In 2022, each meter read on the…
ursprünglich hatte ich die Beschriftungen auf den Batterien nicht beachtet und bin daher von einer Reihenschaltung ausgegangen, das wäre aber falsch.
sagt zu Recht, dass sich nur bei einer Parallelschaltung die Spannung nicht ändert.
Bei Serienschaltung Addiert sich die Spannung
3,7V + 3,7V = 7,4V
Bei Parallelschaltung addiert sich so nur die Kapazität.
880mA + 880mA = 1760mA
Spannung bleibt gleich also 3.7V.
Oha stimmt, ich habe die Aufdrucke auf den Batterien nicht gelesen. Werde meinen Beitrag entsprechend korrigieren. Danke.