18650 Akku?


ich habe mir gestern eine E-Zigarette gekauft und habe einen 18650 Akku drinnen. Ich habe ihn wie es mir gesagt wurde sobald ich daheim bin voll aufgeladen aber ich muss sagen der Akku hält nicht sehr lange weiß einer warum der so schnell leer ist? Ich habe auch nur auf 40-50 Watt gedampft und net mit den maximalen 80

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3 months ago

Moin, son battery is experiencing many cycles and it can happen with time that it is no longer fully decharged or charged.

3 months ago
Reply to  Ahegao785

Just bought yesterday

3 months ago
Reply to  Luffy123777

Then the battery is just older, if it were possible to go back and exchange it all.

3 months ago

have a 18650 battery

Just say something about the physical dimensions of the battery, but nothing about its quality, durability or capacity. For such questions, manufacturers and models must be indicated.

At 50W, the battery (because according to your description in the device only one battery is used at the time!) should be designed at least once for 15A continuous load. (If the battery carrier allows up to 80W, this is already 22A.)

Then it comes to capacity. The higher the number in mAh, the longer the duration.

3 months ago

WAS for a 18650?

“Only 40 – 50 Watt” is good… Just because the battery carrier emits 80 watts KANN does not mean that you can use it like that. Didn’t they tell you in the business? Check for which power (watt) of the coil or Pod is designed and judge IMMER DANACH.

How long does the battery last? You got WAS for an e-cigarette? Depending on the device and power consumption, a battery often only reaches a few tank fillings and hours

3 months ago

Such batteries have all different capacities, see what you have for a battery and what you can get on Mindfactory. Important is the mAh of the battery

3 months ago
Reply to  Staure

Hmm, this is actually a pretty good battery

Is it new? Otherwise it can only be because the vape is simply not intended for so many trains

You can just get a second battery

3 months ago
Reply to  Luffy123777

Nö, the mAh are not important, the BENEFIT ACTIVITY is important, i.e. how much power the ONLY can output without being overloaded. If a battery e.g. 15 ampere can output and loads it with 25, then the battery breaks in under this overload and the battery carrier does not fire at all, even though the battery is still almost full. Only with equally strong cells makes the capacity a difference

3 months ago
Reply to  sunnymarie32

Well, it was written that the vape works, not long. If it really were to be power, it would not work immediately after charging, not only after some time, because a battery normally retains the efficiency until it is empty

3 months ago

On performance, not performance.

No, this is not so easy to explain with the batteries and also not so easy. The capacity (mAh) indicates how much current it fits in, the performance (maximum discharge current) indicates how much it can be taken from AUF EINMAL. And then there’s the voltage and it’s 4.2 to 2.5 volts depending on the load level. Under the 2.5, the cell is deep-discharged and no longer goes. With decreasing filling level, the voltage decreases and the lower it is, the harder the battery can generate the required power (watt). Then the performance plays in. Why exactly one cell with a lower discharge current breaks in faster than one with a higher one, I cannot explain, my little physics is not enough. But that’s how I can confirm from my own experience.