18 und ab heute obdachlos, was sollten meine nächste Schritte sein?
Leider kann ich es nicht verhindern, da mein Vater verstorben ist und meine Mutter mich rausschmeißen will. Das tat sie bereits schon in der Zeit, als ich 14-17 war. Sie und mein Vater missbrauchten mich sowohl körperlich als auch psychisch.
Ich habe weder Freunde noch Bekannte. Wenn ich Glück habe, kriege ich noch neben meinen Ersparnissen (300 €), 250 € an Kindergeld obendrauf und ca. 50 € vom Sozialamt. Das Geld werde ich als Rücklage nutzen und mir genügend Unterwäsche und 1x Wechselkleidung kaufen; vielleicht habt ihr Vorschläge? Sonst hole ich mir noch ein Hemd mit Hose (für Bewerbungsgespräche), und mehr kommt mir gerade nicht in den Kopf.
Mein Elend möchte ich in meiner Stadt natürlich nicht fortsetzen und habe geplant, weiter weg zu fahren in den Gebieten Köln, Düsseldorf etc. und dann 100 Bewerbungen rauszuschicken (egal welche Jobs).
Geld erhalte ich übrigens vom Sozialamt als Ersatz für Bafög. Mein Fachabi muss ich leider aufgrund meiner Obdachlosigkeit abbrechen und mich um einen Job kümmern.
Ich habe nur eine Fiktionsbescheinigung.
Ich brauche dringend weitere Tipps, vielen Dank.
You should turn to the youth office, knowing how it will continue.
I was thrown out and went to the youth office. They helped me. That would be the first point of contact.
Mah, what are these parents? Go to the youth office tomorrow and explain your situation. Even if you’re 18, they’re still responsible for you because your training is not complete.
I am very concerned with your text, since I was only recently in a very similar situation. I would therefore like to show you some possibilities:
For further questions please contact me! (Also by DM, if desired)
Supplement for all reading this text: I am not (more) homeless today. It is not as easy as many people think.
I’m glad to hear you’re not homeless anymore. How did you get out of the desperate situation?
Wonderful that the economic youth aid helped you and you found a good landlord.
Ultimately, at that time, on economic youth aid and subsequently through an acquaintance, which is now my landlord.
You’re still very young, so I guess you’d better go to Switzerland. At least you earn decently there and the prices are almost identical to DE in Switzerland. Make a proper training, start your new life there and forget your bad past as well as possible. :
He probably lacks the necessary start capital. If you’re not a refugee, you can’t just go to a foreign country and get entertained by authorities there!
Have you already completed a training or at least have one? Then your mother would be dependent and would have to pay you an apartment and food. Of course you should display them anyway.
If you volunteer at the board, you can also take food and co and don’t stand for waiting lists.
Live in homeless facilities. Get donated food at the table or the like. Take on every jelly job and get up again. There are possibilities. Maybe you’ll find a boss who has a small apartment at some point or something.
Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it sounds, but yes, there are possibilities.
I didn’t say any tips honestly indirectly, because I don’t really know about your current situation, but still wanted to tell you that I’m pressing the thumbs that everything goes well for you, I’m about to pray and I’ll pray for you. Remember, it’s all just a test of Allah. There are still very good times waiting for you, and all your worries will dissolve in the air. Please never give up
Moin, 😊 I’ve read your text!
It’s one thing? Unfortunately, your mother can throw you out of the apartment with 18 but if you are in training or studying! Is your mother responsible for your maintenance? Even if you are currently receiving services, you should inform the office about it, then you will get more money and the money will be returned from your mother. It even runs up to 25+
First a lot of it… if you like to work or study in any field? Then go to Ostwestfalen-Lippe/Kreis Gütersloh or to Bielefeld …
Dusseldorf and Cologne are no good options living space is very little expensive there and over 150,000 too few social apartments.
Unless it makes you nix to live in your home
Ask a worker’s welfare or a caritas or a German Red Cross about whether they can help you in any way. It would make sense that you’re going to finish your subject. If you’ve already started it.