18 Geburtstags wo/wie feiern?

Hey Leute werde bald 18 und will gerne meinen Geburtstag feiern. Ich möchte garnicht zuhause feiern. Es werden wahrscheinlich 12 Leute sein wenn wirklich auch alle kommen. Ich möchte nichts riesiges wie Party oder Club oder so. Was kann machen so alles machen? Komme auf Frankfurt am Main. Ich habe überlegt essen zu gehen aber was macht man danach? Hat jemand coole Ideen? Würde mich auf antworteten freuen

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2 months ago

I’ll be 18 soon and had exactly the same problem. It’s 7 people with me and I didn’t want to make something too big. I decided to paint potters/ceramics. I don’t know if this is for you. I find it relaxing and you can have a nice chat.

2 months ago

I will be in April 18. After pottering with my friends, I’m going to eat pizza and celebrate at home. So little talk and stuff. But I’m not celebrating my birthday, either, because I planned something with my family.

2 months ago

Draw through the Elbes in Sachsenhausen.

Bowlen was already called. Escape Room would also be one thing.

In the city events there are also cool follow-ups (e.g. to vampires, wolves etc.).

2 months ago

Go bowling with the people. Mostly the music is good, drinks and mood are increasing.