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Zehennagel gebrochen?
He, so sieht mein zehennagel seit langer Zeit aus, so 1 Jahr und es wächst auch nicht nach. Was soll diese Linie da in der Mitte? Warum wächst das nicht nach sodass die Linie verschwindet?
Seh ich dünn aus?
Meinung zu meinem Körper :
Bin junge und würde mir ein mädchen Gymnastikanzug kaufen wollen?
Bin junge bin 16 jahre alt und 178cm groß und würde mir gerne ein Gymnastik anzug kaufen bis 15 euro könnt ihr mir ein link schicken oder ein entfehelen danke?
Bin ich dick?
Bitte ehrlich sein nichts schön reden. Ich bin männlich, 17 Jahre alt bin 180 cm groß und wiege ca 97 Kilo.
Woher bekomme ich solche kleidung?
Weiss jemand wie man sowas ähnliches kaufen kann ,preiswert ? Ich finde nicht viel wenn ich “tweed anzug” oder so was suche bekomme ich andere Sachen angezeigt .. Wäre schön wenn mir jemand helfen kann , danke Schönen Tag noch
Wann macht es strategisch Sinn, sich das Fett absaugen zu lassen?
Wenn Jemand viel Übergewicht, es sich dann abzusaugen, um runterzukommen. Wenn Jemand das Übergewicht verloren hat, dann die überschüssigen Fettzellen abzusaugen, damit das Gewicht nicht so schnell zurückkommt.
Well possible – growth usually ends only at about 20 years when the growth gaps close.
Although several factors that determine your size are outside your control, you will find tips to reach your full growth potential.
No, you won’t grow with 18. You have to accept it, but there are worse (I am w/14 & 1.76cm haha). But there are also many small women, you will find the right cover for your pot:)
I’ve grown 19 and not a little.
Really? I’ve never heard
7 centimeters.
I was with 17/18 1.84
Today I am 23 and 1.91.
How much
Well, now.
We don’t know.
Don’t miss yourself after your physical length, but after your personality and radiance.
This is more important.
I only started to grow properly at 19. I shot another 7 cm in the height.
Oha real with 19 crooks how big were you the one with 18?
1.84. My parents were also big..
depends on your personal genetics and we do not know them
yes Save
Yes, I should
But 1,80 say you’re not in there?haha
Yes haha
Boah krass ja inshallah I will also grow so big ðŸ ̃
In principle, everything can happen, yes. But the probability is high that you will also become 1.80.
Look at Cristiano Ronaldo, for example. At 17 he was 1.78 tall and today he is 1.87.. He was also a late lighter.
Yes Bro now on this app has everyone said you are a spatflammer and I still want to grow intoshallah but do you think I’m still waving or can anything happen?
Yeah, bro. You’re probably like me at the time.
Bro my brother is 1.85 and I’m tumbling him full you think it can still happen that I woke
you can see what it looks like with your attitude. A straight back and neck always give a few centimeters to it.
Otherwise, I think you’re as good as adult. But don’t let you talk small. 1,73 is a good size and ready.
Everything can come. Up to about 20 people are still growing, but not as fast as during puberty, for example. If it’s your urgent desire, I’ll push you all the thumbs!
Thank you bro inshallah I still haha 😂💪
Inshallah and most important alhamdulillah brother that you are well
I kiss your soul my brother Habibi Vallah best man produkt️
Can you test with the doctor
go to your doctor and ask for
but I don’t think you can reach the 1.80 on a natural way, at most with growth hormones
but you are probably too old
Maybe. No one can know more here…