165 Hz Monitor aufeinmal nur 120 Hz einstellbar in Nvidia?
165 Hz Monitor aufeinmal nur 120 Hz einstellbar in Nvidia?
Ich habe einen 165 Hz Monitor und mir ist zufällig gerade aufgefallen das ich nur noch 120 Hz in der Nvidia Systemsteuerung auswählen kann.
Do you use a displayport cable? If hdmi, then switch to DP
Can you select in the windows display settings (right mouse button on the desktop, -> display settings -> extended display) , also only 120 hz or are there 165?
Please take into account the already given answers to cables.
Please look at the settings under NVIDIA system settings/resolution, as not above under the specified stsndard dondern below under PC.
You can adjust the Altualization rate
Did you change the HDMI/DP cable?
No have been on a DP
What is crucial is what Windows displays. Recently had a colleague because Nvidia claims to have 60 Hz. However, the monitor ran normal to 165 Hz.
It’s funny that I can only select a maximum of 120 Hz in the control system
In the OSD menu, your monitor usually has an info on how much Hz is currently being controlled.
Ok thank you
Yeah, that’s easy. Simply start the game and see Vsync whether the 165 FPS are reached as a limit. Normally, however, some sensitive gamers can also see this with the eye.
Yes in the app from my monitor is 165 set but if I have 165 now, I don’t know, I can somehow check this