160 mit 15, wann werde ich wachsen?
Ich bin M wiege 63kg, und ich wachse seit 2 Jahren nicht mehr. Mein Vater ist 180 und meine Mutter 164, genau wie ich. Ich habe auch jeden Tag 8-10 Stunden Schlaf, trinke jeden Tag mind. 1 Glass Milch und esse Obst. Ich mache aber keinen Sport. Kann es es sein das ich mehr die Gene meiner Mutter habe? Mein Vater meinte das er erst ab 16,17 einen Wachstumsschub bekommen hat. Ich will aber nicht so lang warten, außerdem habe ich Angst das ich nichtmal 1.70 werde. Kann es auch sein das es eine Hormon Störung oder so etwas ist?
Oke with 15 years of being 1.60m is now not unnormally small, but you can make eig nix to change your size now, sorry. BUT I can tell you, many guys are so small up to 15 or 16 and then they make nen push and have grown within short time 15cm. So still it’s not funny mostly girls are even bigger than many guys with 15 too. Girls grow first and then they stop. Boys grow, then no more and then they are huge. But can also be genetics and your grandpa was small or something. Don’t worry. It’s normal. I think little boys are cool too.
And most of all, it is also like this: In the height then grow into the width and then back into the height etc.
In some, the growth is coming sooner you have a little bite, see how small it is
Go to the top of the page and let you write growth hormones. Don’t hope you’ll grow sometime. This is very risky and the price if you no longer grows too high. With 15 you can still grow up talking about it, as I said, and ask if he lets you write growth hormones.
Your size depends on the genitic displacements.
There are 16 years old, they are 1.90 and keep smaller.
Your growth has nothing to do with your diet, I can tell you.
It can be all 🙂
Just wait, even small you can live as a man.
If you are still 1.60 in a few years…then: Your mother betrayed your father 16 years ago;-)
Nobody knows that. It’s innate.