150liter aquarium von Anfänger?
Hallo! Ich bin ein anfänger und das ist mein erstes becken. Bitte bewertet es von 1 bis 10 ich will schauen was andere von dem halten. Ps der stein ist auf der wurzel weil die hoch geschwommen ist also ignoriert es😂
Hallo! Ich bin ein anfänger und das ist mein erstes becken. Bitte bewertet es von 1 bis 10 ich will schauen was andere von dem halten. Ps der stein ist auf der wurzel weil die hoch geschwommen ist also ignoriert es😂
Moin wieder mal ich. ich und meine Freunde gehen oft an einen Bade see letztes Mal sah ich einen ca 80-90cm großen Fisch. Ich hab absolut Angst vor so Tieren im Wasser! Nun die Frage was kann schlimmstenfalls passieren? Welche Verletzungen können entstehen wenn so ein Ungetüm einen angreift im Wasser? Arten wie: Wels, Hecht,…
Ich möchte in Dänemark angeln, wo kriege ich den Angelschein?
Welche Erfahrungen hattest du oder kannst du Shop‘s empfehlen ?
Hallo, und zwar habe ich immer eine erhöhte Karbonathärte bei mir im Aqua und wollte mal fragen mit welchen Sachen ihr die besten Erfahrungen gemacht habt um diese zu senken. Infos zum Aqua: Juwel Rio 240l mit einem Bioflow M Filter Wasserwerte: Nitrat: 0 Nitrit: 0,15 Gesamthärte: 13 Karbonathärte: 15 pH-Wert: 8,2 Chlor: 0
habe diese gefunden wenn es besser alternativen gibts bitte schreiben welche und was mann beachten muss hab ein 105 liter aquarium mit normal vielen pflanzen und normal vielen fischen so 10x stück
looks good! I’d give a seven. It is still a little unstructured.
Here are some tips:
Best regards
Purple 🔮
I’d give you 8
I find the fluting valisneria unhappy and the rest must grow in. What I find good is that you have not socialized the red cichlids when the smiles are sometimes very aggressive towards others.
I would give you a 8.5 – 9 as a beginner!
For a beginners pool I find it really good
The giant valliss will become a problem as soon as they start to grow properly. Otherwise I like it.
As far as ok 7, I only disturb the front plants (Pfeilkraut!?) and maybe a path of lighter gravel in black doesn’t look bad.
Very good idea thanks 💡
Only the way will not be long to be recognized as such!
The ashs look too large and thus the aquarium too small. I’d put in several small fish to make it more alive. With Platys or Guppys. I give one:
Thank you
You have no idea, see your Ikeaboxes what you call aquarium.
Do you have to mention this? Is it forbidden? Besides, they were in there because the aquarium where they actually live has broken and the new one is delivered only in a month.
Better than you write to most people just stupid comments (followed in your info). There are almost half of the answers only stupid comments
Think you’re a case for the support here that should delete a few things from you.
No, no, no, no.
My opinion of your attitude of fishing will be able to confirm to you everyone,because you ask such questions only to provoke others.
By the way, as far as I know from your profile, it’s that you don’t know anything about aquariums. Right or did you lie?
does not change anything that it is impossible to keep fish like that.
That means foam nest
For me it is animal torture and I also represent all the stories and excuses that you have no one believes you, all the story with the foam nest Sad that you can keep vertebrates so pathetic. :- Lies have short legs.
Are the African Seenbarsche?
Otherwise look nice!
Then people usually answer with 7 I give you a ne
7 😛
Ne are colorful
colourful of African lake ^^
for this, it is completely wrong
SAND; KALKFELSEN and built up, maybe a hard plant
Look at my next contribution/question there is a picture
Yes, make a close-up – I care and have been breeding Elliotis for 10 years – that’s certainly not.
The body shape is not true, the color is not at all, the fin shapes are not…
Are you serious? You want a close-up? They are still about 9cm tall so the other fishing
yes, that could be good
do you think hemichromis?
In life, they’re not T. Eliotti!
achso ok, they look soooo similar ^^
These are elliotsbuntbarsche and they do not come from Mexico Africa. I know which you mean they are not