150gramm abgelaufenes Veganes Sushi gegessen kann da was passieren?

Hey Leute grad eben habe mein Veganes Sushi was ich mir vorgestern gekauft hab gegessen.6 Stück ungefähr bis ich gesehen habe das ,dass Avocado leicht violet war.Dann sah ich das ,dass Ablaufsdatum 14.10 ist und das war gestern.Ich habe noch nie gesehen das Sushi in einem Tag abläuft naja egal.Ist das aber jetzt schlimm? Da war nur Avocado Paprika und Gurke drin aber kein Fisch oder Fleisch.Werde ich davon noch Bauchschmerzen bekommen oder wird da nichts passieren es war schließlich nur ein Tag abgelaufen Und nicht 3 Tage oder mehr.

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2 years ago

It’s nice to ask you the question if you already ate it. No, it’s not happening. And how do you think it’s bad after the expiry date? The MHD only says that the manufacturer gives you guarantee for freshness up to this date. After that we don’t feel bad. In addition, you should always rely on eye and nose. I’ve eaten bread for two months and still good…

2 years ago
Reply to  Spooky80

at Sushi it is not an MHD but a consumption date until when it should be eaten because sushi is highly perishable and the bow to bread is very stretched I have worked for a long time at the baker when a bread needs longer than a week until it molds I no longer want to know how many preservatives in it. Good mixed bread molds after about 4-6 days full grain bread after about a week

2 years ago
Reply to  Quarkerle

My bread was actually without artificial additives, preservatives etc. Was a vital bread with a tube, etc. I guess that kept it so long…

2 years ago

Sushi is a product that is very quickly spoiled cooked rice potatoes etc. can form salmonella in improper storage as the fish that is normally in sushi . germs that have formed have not killed therefore the shelf life is very limited usually with handmade sushi only 24 hours, industrially produced a little longer . that is so regulated for the safety of consumers because poisoning is not so funny.

if the sushi was stored without interruption of the cooling chain, you can still eat it the next day.

the discolorations are half as wild, however, the dyes were in the marginal layers of the avocado and have passed into the rice.

2 years ago


nothing will happen with the greatest probability. Sushi is a delicate product, but the 17h will not be decisive.


2 years ago

I don’t think what’s going on until yesterday.

2 years ago

If well smelled and tasted ha, then everything is good