1500 Einheiten Vitamin D pro Tag?

Ich bin 17 und weil ich im Winter kaum an die Sonne kann und man hier bei uns in Deutschland eh oft an Vitamin D Mangel leidet (bei der Blutabnahme hatte ich niedrigen Vitamin D Spiegel) habe ich begonnen Vitamin D zu nehmen? Ist 1500 Einheiten am Tag gut? Zu viel oder zu wenig? Wenn ich eine Fett Quelle dazu esse, sollte es gut aufgenommen werden können oder? Oder brauche ich noch Vitamin K dazu? Danke im Vorraus

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5 months ago

If you already have a lack of 1,500 IE are far too little. This low dosage makes the deficiency worse in the cold months.

Vitamin D3 to a rich meal is best. The recording will be a little better. in combination with vitamin K2 the absorption is improved a little but measurable again.

4 months ago

Because only 1,500 IE per day will not be enough to eliminate the deficiency. Your body uses vitamin D and could be just too little 1,500 IE.

In the cold months, I take 4,000 IE to 5,000 IE daily or almost daily.

4 months ago

I’ll take vitamin K2. This improves the absorption of vitamin D3. Either buy both individually and take them together or as a combination product. There are in drops or capsules for approx. 15€

6 months ago

Yes is ok you can do

Generally everything up to 4000 IE per day is safe

Yes, vitamin D is fat soluble, so always take best for food

K2 also makes sense (as long as you do not take blood thinners), since vitamin D is better synthesized

Add magnesium, vitamin D consumes magnesium, so 200-400mg per day

6 months ago

200mg should not be a problem, calcium must not be supplemented if you eat milk perfume, 50g cheese alone and nen glass milk cover almost 800mg calcium

6 months ago

It’s OK.