15 Zoll Winterreifen für BMW Cabrio 220?
Hallo zusammen,
habe noch 15 Zoll Winterreifen von meinem letzten Auto, diese möchte ich nun aufziehen auf mein neues Auto mit 16 Zoll Sommerreifen. Mein BMW Händler sagt, das, dass Getriebe mit der Zeit davon kaputt geht. Was ist dran an der Geschichte?
Ausserdem richt der Gummi nach 25 km fahrt, hat das damit ebenfalls zu tun?
Danke und Gruß
I think that’s absolute nonsense….Only because the rim is smaller, the wheel circumference is identical (if you take the right tires). It doesn’t matter the gear. If not, I would urgently change the car brand, because then BMW did something wrong.
However, you can use the 15 inches Tyres not on your 16 inch Rims pull, you need matching rims.
Thank you, I also have the 15 inch tires on 15 inch rims 🙂
“…My BMW dealer says that transmissions are broken with time…”
I want him to justify that. I haven’t heard such a bullshit in my lifetime! the gear is that of banana….
He also thinks you can tell everyone just to sell a few new tires. Does the dealer happen to mean Rhine?
And if you believe that (apparently not, otherwise would not ask here…) then believe in Santa Claus and Easter bunny!
EddiR, I didn’t want to be insulted here!
That wasn’t my intention! Rather, I wanted to represent the trader as a ruthless stümper, or that he tries to pull you over the table!
At least I felt that this is clearly evident from the answer…
I actually hear that for the first time. The reasoning would be interesting.
A correct answer has not been mentioned to me by the dealer