15 Pro Akku?

mein iPhone 15 Pro ist vor vier Tagen angekommen. Ich mache mir bisschen Sorgen was das Akku angeht, weil ich das Gefühl habe dass es ist etwas schnell leer geht, ich finde das ungewöhnlich für ein neues Handy.

das Handy ist von der Seite sparhandy

Oder bilde ich mir das ein?

Hier seht ihr wie viel Prozent ich vor heute hatte und jetzt habe.

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11 months ago

Turn off the power saving mode!

It is not made to be permanently switched on! In this case, some functions are switched off or restricted and in the end, the iPhone uses more power.


It is useful to have the power saving mode switched on via automation when the iPhone has less than 25% charge. Everything else is totally nonsense.

11 months ago


Just wait 2-3 weeks… I am an intense user and always get loose through the day.

11 months ago

It actually takes 1-2 weeks! My device is exactly 3 weeks old meanwhile I come to 1.5-2 days. However, I also switched off 90% of my background updates (except Whats App and Banking Apps).

AOD’s on. No streaming via Bluetooth coupled only Apple Watch.

11 months ago

almost 9 hours screen is good

11 months ago
Reply to  Elyas282

How are you doing? That never comes to 100%. It is unnecessary to load a phone between 20 and 80%. I always charge mine as I want and yet the battery keeps good. So load up, then you’ll see how much it’s going through.