
Ich bin M/14 und würde gerne so 15 kg abnehmen. Hab es schon oft probiert mit weniger essen und so. Hat aber alles nur so für zwei Wochen gehalten. Zu meiner Frage. Wie nehmen ich schnell 15 kg ab und kann das erziehlte Gewicht dann auch halten.

Danke im Voraus ,


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1 year ago

You don’t have to try the food. Forget it! Don’t eat fat, etc, but usually everything else can eat. You have to do sport! That’s right. Rope jumping, jogging, exercise and in sport lessons give everything! It’s hard, but if you do it several times a week, for example, 4 times when you go, it’s fast. What does that mean? Please reply

1 year ago

What are you eating? Knowing more closely could be helpful.

Often it is sugar consumption. Dispense with all sweets, cakes, pastries, fruit juices, dried fruits, sugary drinks, ready meals with added sugar (also corn syrup etc, look at the ingredients list!) and the like.

Then you might be leaner like a junkie.

1 year ago

Let it go first. Many young people get a higher weight at the beginning of the pupil, because the body probably needs these reserves soon. Growth boost may try to keep your weight. Most of the time, this will grow with the years and if you are still overweight at 16, you can still lose weight.