1.5 eggs recipe instructions?
I'd like to bake, but if I used just one egg, the amount would be too small, and two would be way too many. The average value is now 1.5 (logically), but that's difficult to implement. What would you do? 1 or 2 eggs? -> I want to make madeleines 🙂
The amount of eggs is rarely particularly relevant because they are mainly used as binders. You can also do only one egg and another 2-3 EL water, then you have enough liquid, and the binding force of a single ice will also suffice. 💁
you can make 2 eggs pure and for this less liquid, i.e. milk or water etc or else
you sleep the egg in a cup, touch it,
and tip about half into the dough.
Depends on how big your eggs are.
2 small eggs or a big one very simple.
If you have big eggs, one is enough, you have little one, then an egg and an ass milk.
Two small eggs, so size S