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It’ll usually be neck cutting. But I had a cocktail with one of the European champions in cocktail mixes. It was brutally expensive but…
I never drank anything better. Never in my whole life!
What bar?
Charles Bar in Wittenberg
Can’t be said at a flat rate. it depends on where the 15 – are required. In a hotel bar this is absolutely cheap, in a pub more expensive.
How is the quality of the ingredients, is used for example in a Caipi Pitu or rather the cheap variant
15 € are not cheap now, but also neatly away from being able to talk about “Wucher”.
It is normal for a bar that only wants to appeal to very exclusive guests. For ‘Normalos’ like you and me, this price also serves to quench.
Package bad to say as various factors affect the price.
Where to get the cocktail, which ingredients come in, are cheap or expensive shopping prices, then shop owners must also bear fixed costs which affect the price etc.
You pay everything in the bar.
Supply and demand determines the price.
They have to make 15€. Otherwise, some pöbel would make the bar insecure for 5€.
Well, you don’t have to go to such bars if these prices are required.
Depends on how much and what’s inside and how many stars the hotel has.
I wouldn’t drink
I had to smile at this option when I read it. But yes, €15 is clearly too expensive for a normal drink.
In Munich in the meantime normal.
Unbelievable. This is pure inflation.
This is very expensive, for little sugar water.
Ditte find Icke overpriced wa
It is known that certain locals are more expensive. Everyone who goes there knows this has to pay more for cocktails. What are you doing?
Much too expensive
Isn’t really for the cocktail, but you “rent” your place in the bar.
Then I would not order