140.000 Euro Haushaltseinkomen?
Kann eine 4 Köpfige Famile mit einem Haushaltseinkommen von 140.000 Euro Netto gut leben?
Kann eine 4 Köpfige Famile mit einem Haushaltseinkommen von 140.000 Euro Netto gut leben?
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Hi, Wie viel Geld bleibt euch Vollzeit (Mindestenlohn) und als Single zur Verfügung, wenn Miete, Essen, Strom etc bezahlt ist zum ausgeben ? Eine Bekannte von mir behauptet sie hätte ca 100€ nach allem Abgaben für sich
So im Durchschnitt
The question affects me something alien to the world, at least for the world where I live.
With a disposable income of approximately 12K Euro per month for 4 persons (parents and two children), probably with their own property, there is enough left for this well-maintained family to eat well, to make leisure colorful, to travel and to the children Hobbies. such as ballet, piano games or riding. The latest technology will be as in for everyone as the branded clamotte etc.. The money for the Waldorf School and the tutor is probably still there.
So you can get through with it, that’s kind of going.
The question probably comes from someone who has never worked in his life before, otherwise he can assess it himself.
No. So I think you can’t afford much.
Depends on where. Not in Dubai, in Germany
Yes. If you take into account that the same family would have to pay for civil money with € 12 * 2,300 = € 27,600 (incl. rent)…
I would even say very good.
But that also depends on individual needs. If there’s someone living in the household who’s in need of care, being obstructed, it can go into the money.
It’s not enough for your own private jet.
But otherwise, with this above-average income, the family should be able to afford almost everything.
Of course. This is far from the average household income.
Could get close, but it’ll be kind of going.
Luxury not well medium, yes. 🙂
Even if the fuel would cost 5 euros per liter, it is still fine food instead of aldi. 😁
That’s enough
Very close. More than 3 cruises aren’t inside.
More than good.
Yeah, sure, if you don’t live on his condition.
They’re almost 12,000 mtl…