125ccm motorad?

Ich mache bald meinen a1 Führerschein und will mir jetzt eine 125er kaufen. Habt ihr Empfehlungen? Sie sollte günstig sein aber auch ein bißchen was taugen. Ich hatte da die kreidler supermoto 125 dd im Auge. Ist zwar eine China Marke und nicht so besonders aber für einen gebrauchtpreis von ca. 1400€ doch ok.

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2 years ago

I wouldn’t buy a China machine. You have trouble when you need spare parts, you rarely have a dealer. Therefore, it would be more likely to reach the classic Japanese brands or KTM.

2 years ago

I’d leave the wings of Chinabikes. You can hardly find workshops that wait or repair these parts. Spare parts are also difficult to get. Keep up to established brands like Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Honda.

My personal favorite is the Cb125r.

2 years ago
Reply to  L2Itachi07

It’s good too.

2 years ago

For used 125s, you always have to have in mind that most have been drugged…..comments can result in follow-up costs….Responds also to high kilometers…..

As far as the bike itself is concerned…..you’re best to see what fits you.. Recess on the tank and KW……when a 125’s already one that fully exploits the potential… 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  L2Itachi07

That the constantly full power must bring….this goes of course to the load of life…. 🙂