125cc gebraucht oder Neu was ist besser?
ich bin 16 Jahre alt und es beginnt ja bald die Motorrad Saison 2024 und ich habe noch kein Motorrad. Ich habe den Führerschein letztes jahr für A1 gemacht. Zu meiner Frage ich habe nicht so viel Geld und habe bei den Händlern gefragt ob es sich lohnt eine gebrauchte 125cc zu holen oder eine Neue. Er sagte das es eine neue sein soll weil gebrauchte ab 10.000km nur Probleme machen stimmt das? Und wenn nicht welche 125cc hat den die beste Preisleistung im Langlebigen Bereich.
You may be going to lay down the first rounds anyway.
This hurts much less in a used machine. (in the wallet)
The dealer lives from the sale. Of course he recommends the new purchase.
Look around on the market, what’s so needed on unused machines.
Look after scratches, rust, exhaust manifolds, the cables lie neatly, are suspiciously clean places there, general maintenance condition, brake thickness coverings and disc, maintenance condition chain and so on.
With Honda you can’t do much wrong. They are beautifully durable.
I got my Honda CBR125RW in sad care condition and always did something about it. The biggest repair was the exhaust manifold. Everything else wasn’t in a hurry, and I left myself time too. (Exchange clothes for used undamaged parts, replace flasher switch combination, switch light mask holders, replace speedometer housing, change oil change and a few more things)
Meanwhile, she’s down about 28000 km.
I have only bought used motorcycles with different kilometer levels. If the machine is well maintained, this is absolutely no problem.
So far, I had about. 70,000km still had no problem with one of my motorcycles. The advantage of a used motorcycle is that you do not have a whole part of the loss of value. This is especially interesting considering that 125s have the same owner for more than 2-3 years.
Look that the machine is not too old, the service was made and it makes a good impression overall.
Here the video explains it very well.
Don’t forget, the dealer lives from selling, so he wants to turn something on you.
because you only drive the thing up to the driver’s license, ne used and the cheap..(with TÜV). Clearly the dealer knows something else;-)