120x40x50 Aquarium für Hamster geeignet?

Ist ein 120x40x50 Vollglasbecken für einen Zwerghamster geeignet? Oder nur 100x50x50?
Hab auch gelesen, dass es nicht höher sein soll als breit aber da spalten sich die Meinungen – würde oben keine Abdeckung draufmachen sondern offen lassen.

Danke für eure Hilfe ☺️

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3 years ago

Purely computationally, the animal welfare for hamsters indicates a base area of at least 0.5m2.

With your 120×40, it’s only 0.48m2. In the 100×50, e shinaga is then 0.50m2

And as far as ventilation is concerned, the basins should really not be higher than low, simply because the air is very amazed 🙈. Especially if the heating air is still dry in winter, this is not very advantageous

3 years ago

120x40cm floor area is smaller than 100x50cm, so it is too small.

But yes, ventilation is also a problem because it does not circulate air enough.

Please note: 100x50cm is the absolute minimum! If you want to offer your future hamster a beautiful home, it should be bigger. I do not recommend anything under one square meter, so at least double (200x50cm). From this size it is art-friendly.

You can get in touch with thebrain.de or hamsterbacken.com. Both sides have good information, even if I were to criticise both a few things.

If you have any questions, you can also ask me. Or also painting 3, also it is very well informed!

3 years ago
Reply to  Benutzernam01

As long as you can sprinkle sufficiently high and the ventilation is good, a terrarium is also suitable. But I don’t like them, but everyone has to know that

3 years ago

If space is 120 then you should also go to 120 and not stay to 100. The bigger the more kind.

The problem with the glass basins is ventilation. If the air dazzles, the hamster can suffocate in the basin, as many gases are simply heavier than oxygen and can accumulate around the ground. These include gases produced by the hamster itself (odour and breathing).

Just leave open at the top is often not enough. Especially in winter when the room is still heated. It is therefore necessary to actively provide better ventilation – especially with narrow but deep basins. It is enough to press fresh air into the basin with a fan twice a day. A fan should not be used as hamsters react sensitively to draft air.

3 years ago
Reply to  MaryLynn87

Unfortunately, that’s not true at all. The 10cm difference is still enough to ventilate the entire enclosure well. For this purpose, 120×40cm of green area are smaller than the minimum size.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aufstrich3

So I’d be careful, 10cm are 10cm anyway. Yes usually, this would probably still be ok with a healthy hamster (but I can’t confirm anything, so I’d be careful with the statement) because the ammonia content is significantly lower but what if the hamster suddenly has nh kidney inflammation at which the ammonia content rises. Better get safe and stay at the same level or more wide than height.

3 years ago

Well in nature the building is also not in a glass box I would say to these comments

3 years ago

That’s true, I’m not completely convinced. Nevertheless, there are many different opinions on the subject. From arguments like “In construction in nature, air circulation is also not a problem” to arguments similar to yours I have already heard everything. I’m going with the majority for security. But I cannot speak from experience or other things.