120,- € Strafe für Nichtentrichtung der Maut in Österreich?
Hi, auf dem Weg in den Urlaub mussten wir ein kurzes Stück durch Österreich (Höhe Bodensee). Wir haben uns vorher im Internet über die Maut informiert, da hieß es auf mehreren Seiten*, dass dieser Abschnitt mautfrei ist. Okay, daher haben wir nur die Schweizer Vignette gekauft.
6 Wochen später bekommen wir von ASFiNAG ein Einschreiben: “Deliktart 120,- (…)” Scheinbar hat Google Maps uns doch woanders lang geführt. Im Nachhinein – seh` ich ja ein – war es unser Fehler unsere Navi so einzustellen, dass es “mautpflichtige Straßen umfahren” soll. Dies hier nochmal als Tipp für alle da draußen! (Auf den Internetseiten* wurden wir derzeit nicht extra drauf hingewiesen.) Hätten wir das “mautfrei” so nicht gelesen, hätten wir selbstverständlich die Vignette für Österreich (wie auch für die Schweiz) gekauft. Wären wir günstiger bei weg gekommen.
Ganz ehrlich, 120,- für ein kleines Stück Durchfahren ?!? Diese Gelder täten Deutschland auch ganz gut. Alle Welt fährt kreuz und quer durchs Land und wer – außer der LKW`s – bezahlt?
Bevor ich das höchstwahrscheinlich anstandslos überweise, musste ich es hier loswerden… Österreich macht Werbung für mautfreie Strecken und holt sich das 10-fache auf diese Weise wieder ?!?
I went into Switzerland with my passenger car (until just before Zurich) and out within a few hours. On passing the Swiss border towards Germany, a Swiss border officer stopped me for passport control and noticed that I had no Vingnette motorway on my windshield. He then also talked about fine payment at three-digit level because of the missing vignette. I started crying with excuses, whining and then crying loud. I will then drive on without paying penalty ☝️😜🤣 Such a hedgehog…
it is expensive but if you only require 20 € then you would have to catch me 5x before I get a year vignette cheaper. therefore the penalty is higher than the annual vignette (so that even the Austrians who buy it)
if you only needed a 7 day vignette, of course it’s a costly fun. However, according to the EU, due to the equality of treatment, it is of course not possible to make different punishments for Austria and not Austria
for the next time:
Toll in Austria: These routes are toll-free | ADAC
120,- € for about 20 minutes through Austria ???? Thanks, but Austria we will avoid now! The ADAC page was among others the basis for our holiday, because of “free”… This was only updated on 09.08….
well, if you drive over the traffic lights at Red it takes 2 seconds and don’t complain because you pay punishment – just because you have violated a law
or if you go to a spa and smuggle in there to just swim 20 minutes. Were only 20 min and for the 20 min it does not pay for buying a ticket… You wouldn’t do that, would you?
The toll is a kind of ticket for the motorway.
The same thing happened to me. There were soger 200 € (!!!)😕
In Austria? There are no 200€ available
Everything when I drive through Austria is always where it costs tolls and where not.
About Anna
The only source that can tell you binding where something is toll-free is the Asfinag. If any newspaper or internet fool says something wrong, nobody can do anything. A toll-free route is also really only this particular route toll free, no longer shorter if someone drives longer it must have a vignette or counts stop Ersataut.
The replacement toll is so high because no one can control how far and often you drive, so it must be higher than the annual vignette that is at 92€. If you do not pay the replacement toll claim, you will be shown that the penalty that comes then costs between 300 and 3000€ depending on the authority, and can also be collected in Germany by means of court enforcement.
If the next time you are unsure if there is something toll-free, you can reach 24/7 in the morning also by 3 asfinag at:
080040012400 (Free from Austria and Germany)
Thank you, but “a next time” will not be back so quickly!
Why not, as it is in a different answer: what is the fault of Austria?
Did you get the same back?
Then happiness in misfortune.
Thank God! A stupid coincidence – the A7 was locked – led us through Switzerland, for which we bought the annual vignette…
Free is only up to HÖRBRANZ, but Google calculates ALTACH as an optimal exit to get to the 13 in CH. Time saving probably 1-2 minutes, no joke
The fact that the abzockers put cameras right there should be clear 😀
Hopefully, the toll will be introduced in Germany as well as our neighbours will be able to cash out.
The administrative penalty for non-determination of the replacement toll is 300,– to 3,000,–.
The toll-free motorway sections are also listed from the ASFINAG homepage.
You’re not supposed to rely on hearing….
But you realize that the toll is also paid by those who live there? And that which was also planned for Germany before Corona and there nen riesen shitstorm started that the Germans did not want it?
Apart from that, it’s normal that you’d pay toll for 2m you’d drive there. And if you don’t have a plaque, you have 120€ PRO TAG! The next time you know you’re just buying one and being good.
Yeah, I’m aware of that. We’re gonna pay KFZ tax.
Some routes are toll-free – the irritated…
and do we believe Austrians don’t pay KFZ tax?
You’re taxing on engine capacity. That’s why you German like to drive cars with a lot of PS because they don’t cost you much. They are not accessible in AT. For this we can drive around with a nem old Ami car with little PS and a lot of space very cost-effectively;-)
Oh, bad luck. I drove through Austria for years without pickerl without having to pay once. But they already know the stretches where they can pick up well…
For some time, there have been automatic cameras that film performing cars and filter them out without a toll.
And you don’t get a punishment, but you have to make a mockery.
“Strafe” is available only if you don’t deposit the replacement toll in time……
Okay, then the “replacement toll” is 120,- €? (For this we have a period of 4 weeks.) I’d like to know how much the punishment will be… We didn’t know until the registration arrived that we had committed a “force.” And again, if we had not read from the toll-free sections, we would have bought a picker without murmuring.
I don’t understand what you complain about? The toll roads are already marked by signs. Just open your eyes, that doesn’t happen.
Yes, ignorance does not protect against punishment.
I have already happened: have parked on the left side of the road in Germany. But what is forbidden there!
Reasons for the ban: from the left side of the road to the flow is dangerous.
I’m not packing it! That’s dangerous! But riding on the highway with 200 and even faster is harmless….😆😆😆
How do you compare the two things? Unreasonably fast driving is of course prohibited. It is not possible to drive 200 km per hour.