12 Tage überfällig Periode ?
Hallo zusammen,
normalerweise müsste ich meine Tage am 14.03 bekommen. Mittlerweile haben wir den 26.03, also bin ich somit 12 Tage überfällig. Ich mache mir sehr sorgen, da ich normal meine Periode jeden Monat pünktlich bekomme. Ich hatte kein Geschlechtsverkehr also besteht auch keine Chance auf einer Schwangerschaft. Ich bin 18 Jahre alt. Könnte jemand weiter helfen?
It could be a hormone disorder. If it continues and pregnancy is excluded, let the doctor explain it. I once had a colleague (that was 20 years old) who had the same problem. She was in treatment for months. She also had a hormonal disorder. The treatment was aimed at allowing her to get children (and, as I learned later, it also worked).
In fact, I also suffer from too many male hormones in the body. The doctor said not much but a little. Maybe it could be.
Hey. The same was also with Me. (Bin 12) I was supposed to get on the 9.2 floor in February and got it only on 20.2 though they were always on time.
Don’t worry. If you are unsure then just go to the doctor (woman doctor)
Yes good but that is also a bit something else take it to me evil but with 12 make the hormones sometimes bit crap so that can also change
But if she’s insecure, she can go to the doctor.
That’s right, it’s never bad. :
This is not a guarantee that it is therefore IMMER’s MUSS
Once too late or failed is no reason to worry. If you can exclude pregnancy, there is no immediate need for action.
Ergo: Chillax!
If there’s no danger of pregnancy, I wouldn’t mind. If she doesn’t come later, let’s go to the gyn.
I have been overdue for 2 or 3 months (11years old)
Don’t worry about it is the stress