11 tage alter welpe weint seit 2 stunden?
Hallo zusammen
Hab wieder eine frage zu den hunde welpen meiner Freundin
Sie sind 11 Tage alt alles super nehmen alle toll zu und wachsen
Heute ganz plötzlich weint sie durchgehend seit 2 Stunden
Sie hat bauch massiert fals sie Bauchweh hat Temperatur gemessen die liegt bei 37,3 und Umgebung Temperatur ist durchgehend 29 Grad
Wenn Sie sich nicht beruhigt hat sie notfalls Tierarzt nummer am start
Habt ihr Tips was es sein könnte vlt zu warm oder bauchschmerzen?
Is the puppy looking for the proximity of his mother or his siblings?
29 degrees ambient temperature is quite high (room temperature is completely sufficient). If the puppy still seeks the proximity to mother or siblings, the heat does not matter to him. If he separates himself, he could just be too warm…
How many siblings does he have? Sometimes the mother just doesn’t have enough milk when the throw is very big…
I also had a female in a litter, starting from the 3rd. Week was constantly restless and whining. As soon as I took her and she could cuddle at me, she was satisfied and slept. Why that was so, I never knew.
The Little Kiss Me:
But if the puppy has enough milk, it is not too warm, and it is still whining, you should consult a TA – and indeed as soon as possible !
Good luck to you, it’s nothing bad!
There are 2 puppies total and both go drink and then lay away from the mom she has now slept and catches jz again to weep milk is enough available and has taken it well every day
Can you throttle the temperature in the room a little? Or put the litter box in a cooler room (without disturbing the female) ?
Thank you.
I think you did the right thing, for example, to measure fever…
Yes, that’s true and you don’t want to make anything wrong with the little worms I’d rather ask for more than 1x too little and if she had cried further, I would have called veterinarian and asked for home visit
This is nice many thanks to:)
The advice to visit a veterinarian is basically not wrong, and in some cases certainly the best. But, with such a young puppy without any vaccination protection and without a trained imun system, a council can also go back. You never know what diseases other patients have in the TA practice. An adult, healthy dog damage germs and c. only rarely. A puppy can die quickly.
It was lucky I read your question. With experience you can go to Cause Search before you get a TA to rate…
You’d like to sign up if you get back “what’s”!
Greetings: Manu
Thank you:) and thank you for the tips that have helped very much ☺️
I’m very happy. Happy to you, the dwarves and co. 🙂
Yes she’s really good again she calmed down yesterday and also 26 grams increased ☺️ today she is sleeping and drinking as usual
Thanks for the star 🙏! Is the kid better?
Ok many thanks to this helps me very much:)
Opening windows is just something if it’s clear cooler outside than inside.
I wouldn’t put wet cloths in the box, but I’d like to spread a tent roof over it.
Ok yes I will try out at least window on fold I have thermometer in the box in
And putting in damp cloths would that also be an option?
As long as it’s so warm out there, some air will certainly not hurt. Such small puppies cannot regulate their body temperature themselves, e.g. by heels, as adult dogs do. This can, of course, be uneasy. And, like human babies, young puppies can only become noticeable by “whites/screams” or even “summers/quicks”.
Therefore, see if you can’t permanently lower the temperature in the room: ventilation only at night and early morning hours. Then close all the windows, draw any curtains. Moisture cloths or laundry that can dry in the room reduce the temperature at short notice. But if the air is saturated with moisture, it must be ventilated again…
You drink jz again neatly and swanny goes high
Hope she does not cry again
Door is on (without air) unfortunately can not open a window otherwise you get this off and this is with 11 days thinking too cold then
with a weeping dog puppy of 11 days you go to the veterinarian as soon as possible and unregistered, not to a layman forum and ask for one.
None of us is on site and can see the puppy and we are not veterinarians here either.
Please go right there and let it examine.
The puppy’s good.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
So if you haven’t tried to let the mother’s bitch in, I’d try it first, but if that doesn’t help, I would definitely go to the vet!
Dear Greetings and Good Enhancement
Well, then, should she finally choose the veterinarian number 2h should be enough or?