1&1 DSL Internetanschluss?

Ich möchte ein Internetanschluss Vetrag bei 1& 1 abschließen mit 250 Mbit/s. Jetzt blicke ich irgendwie nicht durch , da dort steht Routergutschrift bis zu 150€ ab dem 4. Vetragsmonat. Wie läuft es ab , werden die 150€ im vorraus von meinem Konto abgebucht und dann ab dem 4. Monat wieder gutgeschrieben?

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10 months ago

Is badly described on the page, but as in previous actions it should be meant that when you complete the contract, you should indicate if you have a router with rent a car want to. For the fourth month, you should have a credit of over 150€ in a contract with Router-Miete while paying the rental price further.

10 months ago
Reply to  grrrml

1&1 HomeServer

4,99 €/month


1&1 HomeServer+

6,99 €/month


1&1 HomeServer Speed+

9,99 €/month



150,– € Router Guide

for settlement from the 4th month of the contract

Rental prices: https://dsl.1und1.de/wlan-router

(if you mean DSL)

10 months ago
Reply to  grrrml

… this is really unprecedented and I fear that every month only the amount for the rental of the router is deducted from a virtual credit of 150,- so that at the end it can go out to a “soft pressure” in the direction “expansion of the minimum contract duration” at least at the router for 5.-.

10 months ago
Reply to  evtldocha

True, “Building from the 4th month” sounds like your interpretation at the current action. Call the emergency before the hotline.