10 egg proteins harmful?
I want to eat 10 eggs every day, that's 130-140g of protein and I wanted to ask if that's harmful. I train intensively for 3-4 hours with strength training and I also want to gain weight naturally.
Yesterday, we discovered that one egg in our broody hen's nest was broken and the others were covered in greasy scum. The feathers on the hen's belly are also stuck together. We cleaned the eggs, but we don't know what to do with the broody hen. She continues to sit on her now-clean nest, eating,…
These consist predominantly of sugar substitutes, according to the ingredients. Nevertheless, they still have a calorie content. My final question: Do sugar substitutes have a calorie content? Or does it depend on the "amount"? Or?
If you had to choose! I know that people will come back anyway: "I can also want to live healthy with water and healthy food."
I don't know how much, but it's definitely too much. What should I do, and are there any "bad" consequences? I'd estimate 4 times the recommended dose.
http://www.google.com/search?q=too many+eier+essen
the DGE recommends no more than 2-3 eggs per week to eat…
= the rest of the protein you have to get somewhere else…
= as @Bonye already says: balanced diet!
…only important in your project…
= therefore: http://www.google.com/search?q=protein sources
You shouldn’t just take proteins over eggs. A balanced diet is important.
That was not my question
Proteins are not harmful, 10 pcs eggs / day already.