10km pro Tag, ist das viel (gut)?

Hallo zusammen,

Bin 182cm wiege 94kg habe letzte Woche angefangen jeden tag 10km zu Wander genau genommen sind es sogar 13km – 14km und es ist sehr Bergisch.

Habe es von Montag bis Dienstag durchgezogen, gestern hatte ich aber starken Muskelkater deswegen ich auch Pause gemacht habe, mache heute aber weiter.

Wollte wissen ob es viel oder wenig ist und am Ende der Strcke bin ich schon ausgelaugt, und wie lange es dauert bis mann sich an so eine Strecke gewöhnt.

Danke schonmal

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2 months ago


10–14 km per day with mountainous routes are definitely a good challenge, especially at the beginning. It is normal that after the first days you have muscle cats as your body adapts to the stress. With time you become more fit and can handle the track more easily. It can take a few weeks to get used to the load. It is important to listen to your body, make breaks and not overload you.

2 months ago

During Corona my fitness club was temporarily closed, and as a replacement I went hiking with my loved ones. Both about 80 years, I with two artificial hip joints and two forearm supports, we managed in several hours (without significant slopes) well 10 km and once 17 km.

Every form of endurance sports is good. Keep going, even if there’s still air up. With every further training week, you can get easier.

2 months ago

How old are you? If you are otherwise healthy, you could jogging with 10 kg overweight, which would be more effective!

2 months ago

Hello respect that you do this, recommend slowly increase