1080p vs 1440p?
Hallo -Community!
Ich frage mich, ob ich eine Auflösung von 1080p oder 1440p für einen 24 Zoll Monitor wählen sollte. Ich spiele nur ab und zu Videospiele und kann mich nicht entscheiden. Zudem peile ich 120hz an.
Der PC soll max. 2000 Euro kosten, weshalb ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob man in so einem Maximalpreis eine Grafikkarte für 1440p inkludieren kann und falls ja, ob es das überhaupt wert ist. Ich habe noch nie einen 1440p Monitor vor Augen gehabt, und kann den Unterschied zwischen den beiden Auflösungen daher nicht einschätzen.
Welche Grafikkarte würde sich zu der “besseren” Auflösung in dieser Preisklasse eignen?
Danke im voraus!
Yes, the difference between 1440p and 1080p is quite remarkable.
However, you will be able to place a 4k graphics card in a 2000€ PC, namely the second best (measured according to raw performance) on the market: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/cWTdrv
Of course, you can also run 1440p under higher CPU utilization (which will not be a problem), but I would not recommend it personally.
Of course, you can also screw down your budget and build a 1440p PC: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/YHnqrv
1440p and 4k you will hardly find in 24″ version, but here are currently my top favorites:
1440p: LG UltraGear 27.0″ 2560 x 1440 165 Hz Monitor (27GR75Q-B) – PCPartPicker
4k: Samsung Odyssey G7 28.0″ 3840 x 2160 144 Hz Monitor (LS28BG700EPXXU) – PCPartPicker
The 4k list sorted by rates can be found here: Choose A Monitor – PCPartPicker
And 1440p here: Choose A Monitor – PCPartPicker
Sometimes you find the components a little cheaper on Geizhals Price Comparison Germany because the Pc Partpicker does not capture everything, you can secure everything twice again.
I hope I could help
I would be for 4K (3840×2160) with 60 Hz. According to my feeling, in games the higher resolution acts better than the higher frame rate, and in movies (Bluray or Netflix), there are no more than 60 fps anyway.
at 24 inches, 1080p is loose as resolution. The 1440p “uses” it only from 27 inches. So you can save the performance here well.
1440p is much better than 1080p. 1440p looks a lot better and more resolving than just 1080p. I would recommend a Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060.
For example?
Does a 4060 have safe enough VRAM?
A 4060 lags behind its competitors from AMD, whether 8 or 16gb (at the 16gb ti version) and is the graphics card that is not recommended.
VRAM has an RTX 4060 enough but I don’t know about AMD.
You can add 50€ and get 20% more performance and more VRAM: https://prnt.sc/qxsKtU6OgqPW
This applies, measured only according to raw performance, even if you look from the 4060ti: https://prnt.sc/Cv_Z4_pg1aC6
If you buy a card with 8gb in 2023, this is the biggest blow in the face for your PC’s future security. In addition, a 300€ card does not really fit into a 2000€ budget.
About ne 4080 you can still argue because it comes quite close to a 7900 xtx ran, and still scores in Raytracing Performance https://prnt.sc/IVH7pznMT
the 7900 xtx with 24gb is also a bit safer for the future than the 4080 with 16gb