100K monatlich mit Traden?
Moin 😊
Wenn man Profi ist im Traden kann man 100.000€ monatlich für den Anfang verdienen? Ist das realistisch und macht einer von euch bereits ähnliche Summen ?
Moin 😊
Wenn man Profi ist im Traden kann man 100.000€ monatlich für den Anfang verdienen? Ist das realistisch und macht einer von euch bereits ähnliche Summen ?
Moinsen. Ich habe zusagen von der Commerzbank und von der Volksbank für eine Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann. Da ich mich eigentlich gerne für die Commerzbank entscheiden würde, mache ich mir umso mehr sorgen bezüglich der möglichen Übernahme der Unikredit. Was denkt ihr? Sollte ich das Risiko eingehen oder doch lieber zur Volksbank, obwohl ich die Commerzbank…
Ich bin nicht im Thema drin, weil es für mich zu uninteressant ist. Was ist eigentlich aus den Investoren geworden? War das jetzt ein kurzer Trend?
Hallo, ich habe ein Spar Buch von meinem Vater geschenkt bekommen. Nur bekomme ich meinen Lohn ja nicht Bar. Also bringt mir sowas ja nichts, da ich eh nur alles Geld auf der Karte habe. Hat jmd ne Idee wie ich da Geld aufbewahre , das Geld das ich dann da reinstecke, könnte ich ausgeben…
Sounds realistic when enough initial capital is.
How much start capital are we talking about? ☺
A couple of thousand should be if you dream of such sums.
100k for the beginning… good that you will set humble goals and not start with such overburdening desires for success, as many others do!
That’s contradictory now, but you’re talking about professionals on the other hand “from the beginning”
What now? A professional who just became a professional? 😅
We are now going from a professional, 2 years of experience. By the way, two years are basically eh wischi waschi. Whether you spend 1h with trading a day or 5 has a hearty difference. Let’s get out of five. So a pretty good experience.
A professional would get that, yes. 100k are still very realistic if the capital is true. But I don’t do such sums for a long time. I am struggling to come to 5digit 😀
Now on your question how much money you need: all GANZ Individual. You can do this with 1 million, some need 10 million and some would do it with 500k.
Look, everything comes to the following things when it comes to profit and capital needed: how high is your crv, how high is your risk, and how high is your hit rate?
Someone with Crv of 1:2 at a risk of 1% per trade and a hit rate of 50% would need to earn about 1million by 100k a month.
With a crv of 1:3 risk of 2% of a hit rate of 55%, this in turn looks different, with it at first glance being only a small change.
Who starts trading is usually a poor swallower, with the first 100k (not in the month but the milestone) you can’t expect 3 years ago. Of course, there are thousands of factors that are involved. You can’t say that flat-rate.
If you have more questions about trading, I can answer them.
Amounts in euro do not say anything. If you have several millions available, it can be quite realistic. I don’t think it’s hard for normal earners.
It is not possible to answer this at all with the capital.
For some 500k would be sufficient, for some 1million and for some 10million. And all of them could make this sustainable.
Sure, if you do what you can save on your account, it can grow faster.
Well, I think we agree that with an initial capital of a few thousand euros, you cannot generate an annual income of 1.2 million.
That’s right.
No, this is NOT realistic, and not at all at the beginning
It’s already realistic NUR not at the beginning.
If you had math at school, it’ll go through….
I’m expecting 1% of profit a month. And I risk 2% of my capital. These calculations can be found in quite every book about stock investment. It really helps you find out.
By the way, “Profis” are always specialized in something. The preamble is quite worthless, stop someone working in the area.
Why are you risking more and more when you get out? It can’t work on time?
2% is standard for shares. I almost make options and I’m risking less. However, losses are often significantly higher than the Ø profit.
Depends on your strategy. Standard is nothing.
With me, that’s always the case if I risk 2%, I could win 4%. Always a crv of 1:2 at least. Everything else is too much risk to me.
If it works, it’s different with me.
Most traders do not profitably manage. And when they do, they must first be so profitable that they earn as much as a “conventional” job. Probably there are also a few who have highly traded from the plate washer to the millionaire. But you can play lottery too.
I give you perfect right!!!
Only people don’t want to know. Whoever likes to admit that he has no success is understandable 🙂
No, what do you think?
It’s a risk business, you can also lose.
If that were so simple, many would do that.
And much is also dream dance, you read this out too often….
The speech is about professionals who are already successful with it… it certainly doesn’t matter how little the percentage is
You see that wrong!
Do you think a “professor” is making profits?? Not sure:-)
If I start with 10 million, I’ll get it.
You’d probably end up at 1million in what you write about trading…